翻译成英文,不要谷歌啊。有道啊 要正确的语法。。。谢谢

研究采用了分组实验的方式,试图回答如下问题: 1.听力理解和口语提高之间有什么关系?增加听力理解并伴随口语练习的方法对口语提高是否有作用? 2.听力输入能够在多大程度上提高学习者的口语? 3.这种增加听力输入结合口语输出的方法对学生的学习行为有何作用? 本实验以中国石油大学(华东)非英语专业2008级2个班的112名学生为实验对象,一个班是实验组(56人),另一个班是控制组(56人)。实验内容主要包括:实验组的学生以听说课本为教材,在完成课本内容之外,利用课余时间登陆蓝鸽英语学习平台,完成指定的专项听力材料。在完成所有听力任务之后结合相应的口语实践,对听力内容和口语实践内容进行记录。控制组按平时上课内容正常进行,没有附加练习。实验结束后,对实验组和控制组的学生分别进行一次口语测试,记录其口语成绩并与上学期的口语成绩进行比对,采用定量分析的方法进行分析,得出结论。本实验以学生听力输入和口语输出为自变量,口语交流能力为因变量,以口语考试的方式测试学生的口语表达能力,并结合观察和访谈等更多地了解学生的学习情况。对实验结果进行定量分析和定性分析,得出以下结论: 1.增加听力输入能有效促进大学非英语专业的信息输入; 2.口语练习能有效刺激输入信息的强化,从而提高学生的口语交流能力; 3.这种“以听促说”的手段对口语处于中、低水平的学生有较大帮助。

Study adopts group experimental mode, trying to answer the following questions: 1. The listening comprehension and oral English improve what the relationship is between? Increase the listening comprehension and with the method of oral practice to improve oral English is a role? 2. Listening to DuoDa input in improve the learners' spoken English? 3. The increase with the oral hearing input output method of student learning behavior has what function? This experiment in China university of petroleum not English professional level 2008 2 class of 112 students to be the objects, a class is the experimental group (56), another class is control group (56). The experiment content mainly includes: the students to hear for the teaching material, finished in textbooks around the content, use after school time outside on the blue pigeons English learning platform, finish the appointed special listening materials. In complete all after listening tasks associated with a corresponding practice oral English, listening and speaking to practice contents of records. According to the control group at ordinary times normal class content, no additional exercises. After the end of experiment, the experimental group and the control group of students, a speaking test, record its spoken language result and the achievements of the last term oral contrast, by using the quantitative analysis method for analysis, that conclusion. This experiment with the students' listening and spoken English as independent variable input output, oral communication skills for the dependent variable, as of the spoken language test the way to test students' oral English ability, and combined with observation and talk, the more understanding of student learning. The results of the experiment, and quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, and draw the following conclusions: 1. Increase listening input can promote effectively the non-english major information input; 2. Oral practice can effectively stimulates the strengthening of the input information, so as to improve the students' oral communication ability; 3. This "to listen to promote said" means to oral English is in the low level of students, had more help
第1个回答  2011-06-18
哇,一楼耐心啊,so 长的翻译。。。