

Fierce debate over whether business and cultural contacts on a global scale have positive or negative influence in right on its way. I suppose, personally, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages.

Both nations and the public can be beneficiaries of specific communication concerning business and culture. In terms of economy, it could make sense in boosting economic progress and societal productivity as business contacts widen mutual trade and cultural communication enhances development of cultural industry. Additionally, with increasingly improved living quality, as a consequence of flourish in both economy and culture, people tend to lead a life much more vivid and diverse than that of previous times. Furthermore, from a perspective on a global scale, intense contacts assist in erasing regional gap since technology which is state of art can be introduced into less developed countries in the process of global contacts, thereby stimulating societal solidarity and governmental stability.

Yet objectionable characteristics still co-exist with the above benefits. A majority of people claim that business and cultural globalization are likely to present disastrous harm to ethnical identity, given the fact that people, especially the youth, who lack particular cultural education and skill of judgment, tend to acquire foreign cultural knowledge intending to behave themselves in the future contacts. Methodologies, such as calling for attention to national customs, enhancing schooling etc. may well on the schedule of government.

Conclusions could be made that despite the adverse effects global contacts over trade and culture may afford, the communication benefits both society and government, whereas adequate and sufficient measures aiming at boosting cultural identity should be taken.


第1个回答  2011-06-09
Fierce debate over whether business and cultural contacts on a global scale have positive or negative influence in right on its way. I suppose, personally, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages.

Both nations and the public can be beneficiaries of specific communication concerning business and culture. In terms of economy, it could make sense in boosting economic progress and societal productivity as business contacts widen mutual trade and cultural communication enhances development of cultural industry. Additionally, with increasingly improved living quality, as a consequence of flourish in both economy and culture, people tend to lead a life much more vivid and diverse than that of previous times. thereby stimulating societal solidarity and governmental stability.

Yet objectionable characteristics still co-exist with the above benefits. Methodologies, such as calling for attention to national customs, enhancing schooling etc. may well on the schedule of government.

Conclusions could be made that despite the adverse effects global contacts over trade and culture may afford, the communication benefits both society and government, whereas adequate and sufficient measures aiming at boosting cultural identity should be taken.
第2个回答  2011-06-08

