英文翻译 (翻译器的不采纳) 江湖救急 (拜托了)今晚能搞定的 加分!!!!

Action Area2.在海外市场每年增加10%
A Action plan1区域发展战略
① 中亚, 中东市场
由于政治、社会的不稳定造成的高油价 使得贫富差距扩大和出现消费模式两极分化的现象。在地方收入中,高价香烟的消费增加 而中低价产品的需求继续保持不变。根据当地市场目前推出的PINE和ESSE等中低价产品中 ESSE品牌系列逐渐上市,在保持现在当前形势的同时 扩大销量。
② 俄罗斯/CIS 市场
近来在石油价格上涨的基础上,随着持续的经济成长和实际收入的增加,高级卷烟市场成长的同时,跨国公司的进入造成的激烈的竞争, 但是俄罗斯市场有独特的优势使收入增加。
③ 美国市场
在美国的每个州、MSA(美国海事局)关于公司注册法律法规制裁在不断的强化,对烟草产品不断增税的结果导致'Little Cigar'xiao(小雪茄)等 通过税收的优惠 可以维持有价格竞争力的优势产品问世。本公司主要定位是加剧低价商品市场的竞争。通过烟草管理法中“加大吸烟有害健康的字句”“不能写吸烟有益或危害小的字句”等 条例深化-》目标应该是维持现状
④ 中国市场
为了维持进口香烟的配额,跨国公司进入的难点是内在的。中国烟草专卖局的制造、流通以及贩卖是 通过现代化的促进、未来市场的开放对比 追求的是竞争力的强化。
对国外香烟的认知度不足,烤烟型(VIRGINIA TYPE FILTER GIGARETTES)的香烟 占全部香烟市场总额的96.5%。 BIG 3 公司 进攻性的市场营销在中国市场内竞争日益激烈。如果维持现状 及 以北京与上海为中心香烟的零售店的话 当地市场的认知度稍微增加。
⑤ 东南亚市场
各位大虾们· 有言在先 翻译器的不来~(2楼的朋友 我没有匿名提问 你只要翻译对了 分一定给你)
大侠们~ 用翻译器的 真的不来@@~~

第1个回答  2011-06-08
Overseas markets.
Action Area2. In overseas markets increased by 10% per year
A Action plan1 Regional Development Strategy
① Central Asia, the Middle East market
Due to political and social instability caused by high oil prices make the gap between rich and poor consumption patterns and the emergence of the phenomenon of polarization. In local income, high consumption of cigarettes increased in the low-priced products, demand continues to remain the same. According to the local market is PINE, and introduced low-priced products in the ESSE ESSE and other brand listed on gradually, while maintaining the current sales while expanding the current situation.
② the Russian / CIS markets.
The recent rise in oil prices on the basis, along with sustained economic growth and the increase in real income, high cigarette market growth, while the entry of multinational companies due to fierce competition, but the Russian market has a unique advantage to income.
③ the U.S.A. market
Each state in the United States, MSA (U.S. Maritime Administration) laws and regulations on company registration in constantly reinforced by the sanctions, continue to raise taxes on tobacco products, the results lead to 'Little Cigar'xiao (small cigars) and other tax benefits can be maintained through a superior products at competitive prices come out. The company is mainly targeting low-cost commodity markets is intensifying competition. Tobacco Control Act by the "words to increase the health hazards of smoking," "can not benefit or harm of smoking to write small words" and other regulations to deepen - "goal should be to maintain the status quo
④ China
In order to maintain the quota of imported cigarettes, the difficulty is the multinational companies to enter the inner. China Tobacco Monopoly Bureau manufacturing, distribution and sale is through the promotion of modernization, the future opening of the market compared to pursue the strengthening of competitiveness.
Awareness of the shortage of foreign cigarettes, tobacco type (VIRGINIA TYPE FILTER GIGARETTES) of the total cigarette market cigarettes accounted for 96.5%. BIG 3 company marketing offensive in the increasingly competitive Chinese market. If you maintain the status quo and to Beijing and Shanghai as the center of cigarettes in retail stores, then awareness of the local market increased slightly.
⑤ the Southeast Asian market
As Taiwan, Indonesia, tobacco tax increases, tobacco consumption is expected to decline to appear,
Various large multinational companies have stepped up production and actively carry out promotional activities.
ESSE the times to 1,000 billion acquisition of the acquiree's total production capacity of about
billion. In addition, ESSE contract with KT & G will actively focus on the expansion of the Southeast Asian market.

第2个回答  2011-06-08
Overseas markets
Action Area2. In overseas markets increased by 10% per year
A Action plan1 Regional Development Strategy
① Central Asia, the Middle East market
Due to political and social instability caused by high oil prices make the gap between rich and poor consumption patterns and the emergence of the phenomenon of polarization. In local income, high consumption of cigarettes increased in the low-priced products, demand continues to remain the same. According to the local market is PINE, and introduced low-priced products in the ESSE ESSE and other brand listed on gradually, while maintaining the current sales while expanding the current situation.
② the Russian / CIS markets
The recent rise in oil prices on the basis, along with sustained economic growth and the increase in real income, high cigarette market growth, while the entry of multinational companies due to fierce competition, but the Russian market has a unique advantage to income.
③ the U.S. market
Each state in the United States, MSA (U.S. Maritime Administration) laws and regulations on company registration in constantly reinforced by the sanctions, continue to raise taxes on tobacco products, the results lead to 'Little Cigar'xiao (small cigars) and other tax benefits can be maintained through a superior products at competitive prices come out. The company is mainly targeting low-cost commodity markets is intensifying competition. Tobacco Control Act by the "words to increase the health hazards of smoking," "can not benefit or harm of smoking to write small words" and other regulations to deepen - "goal should be to maintain the status quo
④ China
In order to maintain the quota of imported cigarettes, the difficulty is the multinational companies to enter the inner. China Tobacco Monopoly Bureau manufacturing, distribution and sale is through the promotion of modernization, the future opening of the market compared to pursue the strengthening of competitiveness.
Awareness of the shortage of foreign cigarettes, tobacco type (VIRGINIA TYPE FILTER GIGARETTES) of the total cigarette market cigarettes accounted for 96.5%. BIG 3 company marketing offensive in the increasingly competitive Chinese market. If you maintain the status quo and to Beijing and Shanghai as the center of cigarettes in retail stores, then awareness of the local market increased slightly.
⑤ the Southeast Asian market
As Taiwan, Indonesia, tobacco tax increases, tobacco consumption is expected to decline to appear,
Various large multinational companies have stepped up production and actively carry out promotional activities.
ESSE the times to 1,000 billion acquisition of the acquiree's total production capacity of about 3.0 billion. In addition, ESSE contract with KT & G will actively focus on the expansion of the Southeast Asian market.
第3个回答  2011-06-08
Overseas markets
Action Area2. In overseas markets increased by 10% per year
A Action plan1 Regional Development Strategy
① Central Asia, the Middle East market
Due to political and social instability caused by high oil prices make the gap between rich and poor consumption patterns and the emergence of the phenomenon of polarization. In local income, high consumption of cigarettes increased in the low-priced products, demand continues to remain the same. According to the local market is PINE, and introduced low-priced products in the ESSE ESSE and other brand listed on gradually, while maintaining the current sales while expanding the current situation.
② the Russian / CIS markets
The recent rise in oil prices on the basis, along with sustained economic growth and the increase in real income, high cigarette market growth, while the entry of multinational companies due to fierce competition, but the Russian market has a unique advantage to income.
③ the U.S. market
Each state in the United States, MSA (U.S. Maritime Administration) laws and regulations on company registration in constantly reinforced by the sanctions, continue to raise taxes on tobacco products, the results lead to 'Little Cigar'xiao (small cigars) and other tax benefits can be maintained through a superior products at competitive prices come out. The company is mainly targeting low-cost commodity markets is intensifying competition. Tobacco Control Act by the "words to increase the health hazards of smoking," "can not benefit or harm of smoking to write small words" and other regulations to deepen - "goal should be to maintain the status quo
④ China
In order to maintain the quota of imported cigarettes, the difficulty is the multinational companies to enter the inner. China Tobacco Monopoly Bureau manufacturing, distribution and sale is through the promotion of modernization, the future opening of the market compared to pursue the strengthening of competitiveness.
Awareness of the shortage of foreign cigarettes, tobacco type (VIRGINIA TYPE FILTER GIGARETTES) of the total cigarette market cigarettes accounted for 96.5%. BIG 3 company marketing offensive in the increasingly competitive Chinese market. If you maintain the status quo and to Beijing and Shanghai as the center of cigarettes in retail stores, then awareness of the local market increased slightly.
⑤ the Southeast Asian market
As Taiwan, Indonesia, tobacco tax increases, tobacco consumption is expected to decline to appear,
Various large multinational companies have stepped up production and actively carry out promotional activities.
ESSE the times to 1,000 billion acquisition of the acquiree's total production capacity of about 3.0 billion. In addition, ESSE contract with KT & G will actively focus on the expansion of the Southeast Asian market.
第4个回答  2011-06-08
Overseas markets
Action Area2. In overseas markets increased by 10% per year
A Action plan1 Regional Development Strategy
① Central Asia, the Middle East market
Due to political and social instability caused by high oil prices make the gap between rich and poor consumption patterns and the emergence of the phenomenon of polarization. In local income, high consumption of cigarettes increased in the low-priced products, demand continues to remain the same. According to the local market is PINE, and introduced low-priced products in the ESSE ESSE and other brand listed on gradually, while maintaining the current sales while expanding the current situation.
② the Russian / CIS markets
The recent rise in oil prices on the basis, along with sustained economic growth and the increase in real income, high cigarette market growth, while the entry of multinational companies due to fierce competition, but the Russian market has a unique advantage to income.
③ the U.S. market
Each state in the United States, MSA (U.S. Maritime Administration) laws and regulations on company registration in constantly reinforced by the sanctions, continue to raise taxes on tobacco products, the results lead to 'Little Cigar'xiao (small cigars) and other tax benefits can be maintained through a superior products at competitive prices come out. The company is mainly targeting low-cost commodity markets is intensifying competition. Tobacco Control Act by the "words to increase the health hazards of smoking," "can not benefit or harm of smoking to write small words" and other regulations to deepen - "goal should be to maintain the status quo
④ China
In order to maintain the quota of imported cigarettes, the difficulty is the multinational companies to enter the inner. China Tobacco Monopoly Bureau manufacturing, distribution and sale is through the promotion of modernization, the future opening of the market compared to pursue the strengthening of competitiveness.
Awareness of the shortage of foreign cigarettes, tobacco type (VIRGINIA TYPE FILTER GIGARETTES) of the total cigarette market cigarettes accounted for 96.5%. BIG 3 company marketing offensive in the increasingly competitive Chinese market. If you maintain the status quo and to Beijing and Shanghai as the center of cigarettes in retail stores, then awareness of the local market increased slightly.
⑤ the Southeast Asian market
As Taiwan, Indonesia, tobacco tax increases, tobacco consumption is expected to decline to appear,
Various large multinational companies have stepped up production and actively carry out promotional activities.
ESSE the times to 1,000 billion acquisition of the acquiree's total production capacity of about ok?
第5个回答  2011-06-08
Overseas markets
Action Area2. In overseas markets increased by 10% per year
A Action plan1 Regional Development Strategy
① Central Asia, the Middle East market
Due to political and social instability caused by high oil prices make the gap between rich and poor consumption patterns and the emergence of the phenomenon of polarization. In local income, high consumption of cigarettes increased in the low-priced products, demand continues to remain the same. According to the local market is PINE, and introduced low-priced products in the ESSE ESSE and other brand listed on gradually, while maintaining the current sales while expanding the current situation.本回答被网友采纳