
自1847年夏洛蒂•勃朗特的《简•爱》出版以来,读者们一直被主人公简•爱的性格魅力所打动。简•爱从小就生活在宗教色彩笼罩着的环境中,身心受到极大伤害,同时在传统的等级偏见影响下,她的生活中充满了不公平和不平等。 为了摆脱宗教的桎梏和严重的等级偏见,她与周围的这些代表人物作着不懈的抗争,形成了她独特的性格特点—自尊、叛逆、追求平等和强烈的反抗精神。在身处逆境备受舅妈虐待和校长侮辱时,她表现出强烈的自尊心和不屈不挠的反抗精神。她敢于冲破传统的道德习俗,大胆地爱上高贵的主人,表现出鲜明的新型女性形象。本文末,在罗彻斯特变得又瞎又残时,简依然选择嫁给他,充分体现了她对爱情的执着和对幸福的追求。本文主要从简•爱的不同时期的经历来分析她的反抗性格的形成和发展。

Since 1847 of charlotte Bronte "Jane eyre" since its publication, readers hero Jane eyre has been touched by the charismatic personality. Jane eyre was living in religious color hangs over the environment, body and mind, and in a tremendous damage under the influence of traditional rank implausibility, her life is full of injustice and inequality. In order to get rid of religious fetters and severe level prejudice, she and the surrounding these figures make unremitting struggle, formed her unique character - self-esteem, rebellious, pursuing equality and strong spirit of resistance. In adversity aunt abuse and principal insult has she displays a strong self-respect and indomitable spirit of resistance. She dare to break through the traditional moral custom, boldly in love with noble master, manifests vivid new female image. This article, at the end of the fairfax change especially have to blind and residual, Jane still choose to marry him, fully embodies the her to love the persistent and pursuit of happiness. This paper mainly being simple, love the different period experience to analyze her against the formation of character and development.
第1个回答  2011-06-04
Since 1847 of charlotte Bronte "Jane eyre" since its publication, readers hero Jane eyre has been touched by the charismatic personality. Jane eyre was living in religious color hangs over the environment, body and mind, and in a tremendous damage under the influence of traditional rank implausibility, her life is full of injustice and inequality. In order to get rid of religious fetters and severe level prejudice, she and the surrounding these figures make unremitting struggle, formed her unique character - self-esteem, rebellious, pursuing equality and strong spirit of resistance. In adversity aunt abuse and principal insult has she displays a strong self-respect and indomitable spirit of resistance. She dare to break through the traditional moral custom, boldly in love with noble master, manifests vivid new female image. This article, at the end of the fairfax change especially have to blind and residual, Jane still choose to marry him, fully embodies the her to love the persistent and pursuit of happiness. This paper mainly being simple, love the different period experience to analyze her against the formation of character and development.
第2个回答  2011-06-04
• Since 1847, Charlotte Bronte's "Jane • love" since the publication, readers have been the hero and charismatic Jane • moved by love. Jane grew up living • love shrouded in religious environment, physically and mentally it hurt, while under the influence of the traditional level of prejudice, her life is full of injustice and inequality. In order to get rid of the shackles of religion and serious level of prejudice, she and her representatives around the unremitting struggle for form her unique personality traits - self-esteem, rebellion, the pursuit of equality and a strong spirit of resistance. Aunt in adversity much abuse and insult President, she showed a strong self-esteem and indomitable spirit of resistance. Her moral courage to break through the traditional customs, the masters of noble daring in love, showing distinctive new image of women. The end of this, in Rochester became blind and disabled, Jane still choose to marry him, she fully embodies the dedication and love the pursuit of happiness. In this paper, from simple • the experience of love at different times to analyze the character of her resistance to the formation and development.
第3个回答  2011-06-04
Since 1847, Charlotte Bronte's "Jane • love" since the publication, readers have been the hero and charismatic Jane • moved by love. Jane grew up living • love shrouded in religious environment, physically and mentally it hurt, while under the influence of the traditional level of prejudice, her life is full of injustice and inequality. In order to get rid of the shackles of religion and serious level of prejudice, she and her representatives around the unremitting struggle for form her unique personality traits - self-esteem, rebellion, the pursuit of equality and a strong spirit of resistance. Aunt in adversity much abuse and insult President, she showed a strong self-esteem and indomitable spirit of resistance. Her moral courage to break through the traditional customs, the masters of noble daring in love, showing distinctive new image of women. The end of this, in Rochester became blind and disabled, Jane still choose to marry him, fully embodied her dedication and love the pursuit of happiness. In this paper, from simple • the experience of love at different times to analyze the character of her resistance to the formation and development.