

第1个回答  2011-04-27
It is definitely not casual for his success, it's because his own efforts, he is still think of dedicating for the society, serving for his motherland. This sprit is deserved for us to carry on and develop further.
第2个回答  2011-04-27
His success is gained through hard-working and it's by no means fortuitous.
After his success, he still focuses his mind on the personal dedication to the society and devotes himself to his motherland. This kind of spirit is worth our carrying on and we should
bring to a great height of development.
第3个回答  2011-04-27
His success is not an accident, but the results of his great effort, even made achievements, but his heart was still thinking about contributing, Playing for his country. This spirit is worth we inherit and carry forward本回答被网友采纳