

这段话的意思是 Administrative service center is China's administrative system reform in the new things. Guided by the service spirit, follow the principles of the masses demand convenience, where the most strong, open the market access and basic services government reform precedent. It has constituted a service-oriented government building breakthrough, up some strengthening the government service function of the benchmarking role. However, administrative service center after all is a new thing, because governments not considering the characteristic of oneself, everywhere in construction process and no ready-made experience may provide reference for the administrative services, everywhere in construction practice process inevitable problems. Ground round As China's reform of the administrative system, an important breakthrough to the development of administrative service center to bear directly on the continue to deepen the reform forward, has very important practical significance.
第1个回答  2011-04-12
Administrative Service Center is the administrative reform of the emergence of new things. Guided by the spirit of service, follow the basic principle that, in the place where the strongest demands of the masses, creating a market access and basic services, government reform precedent. It has constituted a breakthrough in the construction of service-oriented government, from a kind of benchmark for strengthening the role of government services. However, the administrative service center, after all, is a new thing, because all levels of government do not take into account its own characteristics, but also throughout the construction process of experience not readily available reference, so that administrative services throughout the construction process of practice in the face of the inevitable range of issues. As the administrative system is an important breakthrough in the development of administrative service center directly related to the continued deepening of reform forward, has a very important practical significance
第2个回答  2011-04-12