模具英语 哪位高手帮忙翻译一下 急啊!!

1 定位销试验后确定
2 料片试验后确定
3 所有螺钉、销钉按图纸配作
4 凸摸与卸料板过盈配合,过盈量0-0.005mm
5 凸摸按凹模配,单边1.5mm
6 凹摸按数模加工
7 淬火HRC58-62
8 调质HRC30-35
9 未标注尺寸参考数模
还有 凸摸 凹摸 凹摸框 垫板 垫脚 卸料板 凸摸固定板 上模板 下模板 定位块 压边圈 顶件器的英文单词

After 1 positioning pin experiment determined After 2 materials pieces experiment determined 3 all bolts, the feather piece match according to the blueprintdoes 4 raised traces with the under thing board excessively fullcoordination, excessively full quantity 0 - 0.005mm 5 raised traces according to the concave mold matches,unilateral 1.5mm 6 concavely traces according to the digital-analog processing 7 quenches HRC58-62 8 quenching and tempering HRC30-35 9 not signs notes size reference digital-analog