There are people who gather in the spas and watering places of this world who pooh-pooh our fortune. Après ski, cozy in their wools, handsome before their open hearths, they scandalize amongst themselves in whispers.‘Imagine’, they say,‘saved from ruin because of some cornball sentiment available in every bar and grill and truck stop in the country. It’s not, not...’
Not what? Snobs! Phooey on the First Families. On railroad, steel mill, automotive, public utility, banking and shipping fortunes, on all hermetic legacy, morganatic and blockbuster blood-lines that change the maps and landscapes and alter the mobility patterns, your jungle wheeling and downtown dealing a stone’s throw from warfare. I come of good stock—real estate, mineral water, oxygen, matchbooks: earth, water, air and fire, the old elementals of the material universe, a bellybutton economics, a linchpin one.
It is as I see it a perfect genealogy, and if I can be bought and sold a hundred times over by a thousand men in this country—people in your own town could do it, providents and trailers of hunch, I bless them, who got into this or went into that when it was eight cents a share—I am satisfied with my thirteen or fourteen million. Wealth is not after all the point. The genealogy is. That bridge-trick nexus that brought Newpert to Oh, Salts to Ashenden and Ashenden to Oh, love’s lucky longshots which, paying off, permitted me as they permit every human life! (I have this simple, harmless paranoia of the good-natured man, this cheerful awe.) Forgive my enthusiasm, that I go on like some secular patriot wrapped in the simple flag of self, a professional descendant, every day the closed-for-the-holiday banks and post offices of the heart. And why not? Aren’t my circumstances superb? Whose are better? No boast, no boast. I’ve had it easy, served up on all life’s silver platters like a satrap. And if my money is managed for me and I do no work—less work even than Father, who at least came up with those two slogans, the latter in a six-month solitude that must have been hell for that gregarious man (‘For Our Matchless Friends’: no slogan finally but a broken code, an extension of his own hospitable being, simply the Promethean gift of fire to a guest)—at least I am not‘spoiled’and have in me still alive the nerve endings of gratitude. If it’s miserly to count one’s blessings, Brewster Ashenden’s a miser.
一、时间 从国家高层开始计划、规划、布置、实施、操作、演练至完成及总结、表彰等,共需时日在550天以上,就是一年半的功夫,这还不包括其影响下不可计数的后续时间。在这500多天的时间里,要有多少人用超量、透支的时间为它去紧张忙碌!这个活动共涉及全国三大兵种,二十多个分兵种及十几个以上的民...
就时时有被埋没的痛苦 把自己当作泥土吧 让众人把你踩成一条道路 [简析]这首著名的哲理诗,曾经被多少青年人背诵,抄录在自己的案头作为座右铭。可是,历史往往会与一些人开不大不小的玩笑。这样一首曾经影响和激励过整整一代人的诗篇,在今天也会被某些时髦的人物嘲笑,认为这是一种陈腐了的过时观念...
1 他们两人都不在(答一亚洲国家名) 也门 2 速战速决(答一欧洲国家名) 捷克 3 一心想发横财(答一欧洲国家名) 意大利 4 枝头才见子初成(答一非洲国家名) 刚果 5 发动机一再增产(答一非洲国家名) 马达加斯加 6 爱看斗牛(答一非洲地名)好望角 ...
急!高分悬赏啊! 1、陋室铭 原文:山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深,有龙则灵。斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。苔痕上阶绿,草色 入帘青。谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。可以调素琴,阅金经。 无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍(dú)之劳形。南阳诸葛庐,西蜀子云亭。孔子云:何陋之有? 译文:山不在于它的高低,有了仙人就成为了名山。水...
温暖 一天临近放学的时候,原本晴朗的天空突然变得阴沉沉的。闷雷隆隆作响,聚集在天空上的乌云不断变换着形状。紧接着,一道闪电把天空照的雪亮,豆大的雨点像子弹一样敲击在土地上,尽情的宣泄着愤怒,教室的玻璃上立刻布上了一层朦胧的水雾。原本收拾好书包准备回家的同学们停住了脚步。窗外帘幕般的...
WOW 高分悬赏 急急急急急急急急急急~!!!MMMMMMM
1。QS没破甲技能,QS的仇恨方面解释很长,后面给你说 2。QS也有嘲讽技能,而且用了铭文后,可以嘲讽3个怪,叫“正义防御”3。QS一般拉怪,一般QS都给自己先上腐蚀圣印,就是打怪能给怪叠5层DEBUFF。然后对着BOSS上审判,看你自己需要,因为QS蓝少,可以上智慧审判来回蓝,也可以上光明审判加强仇恨...
感人滴:KANON.AIR.战斗滴:Fate stay night.少年阴阳师 搞笑滴:喧嚣学院.阿兹漫画大王 一.逆后宫.帅哥多多 <不可思议游戏> <遥远时空中> <金色琴弦> 校园+爱情+音乐 已完结 <恋爱天使--安琪莉可> 异世界+爱情 已完结 <彩云国物语> 中国风+政治 一季完结.二季连载 <樱兰高校男公关部> 校园+...