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城市的发展离不开水。20世纪末,在我国加速城市化的进程中,由“水灾害加剧、水资源紧缺、水环境恶化”所构成的水的危机已露端倪,并呈加重趋势。21世纪中, 水的危机必将成为困扰我国社会经济持续发展的重要制约因素。无论水多、水少、水脏,在水的高风险中谋求城乡社会、经济、资源与环境的协调发展,已经成为我国城市管理者和决策者不可回避的大问题。
城市水问题是社会经济发展的产物。发达国家在各自经济的高速发展阶段都曾不同程度地遭遇过这一问题,并为之付出了沉重的代价和巨额的治理费用。我国在城市化进程中水的危机带来的困难与挑战将更多更复杂。如果说,过去20年里,在我国城市人口比例上升10个百分点的情况下,为了解决城市的水问题,在相当程度上是以牺牲农村、牺牲环境为代价的话,那么,在今后 20年里,我国城市人口比例再上升20个百分点, 传统“有效”的办法何以为继?把握好城市水利的基本特点和发展方向,对于城市的管理者和决策者来说,也是把握城市兴衰存亡的大事情。

第1个回答  2009-05-11
The development of the city can not be separated from the water. End of the 20th century, urbanization in China to speed up the process, from "water disasters, shortage of water resources, deterioration of water environment" posed by the water crisis has emerged, and the trend was to increase. The 21st century, the water crisis will become a problem in our country the importance of the sustainable development of socio-economic constraints. Regardless of the water, and water scarcity, water is dirty, the water in pursuit of high-risk urban and rural social, economic, resource and environmental development, has become China's urban managers and policy makers of the big problems that can not be evaded.
Urban water problem is a product of socio-economic development. Developed countries in their stage of rapid economic development to varying degrees, have experienced this problem, and it paid a heavy price and the huge cost of governance. China's urbanization process in the water crisis will be more difficult and more complex challenges. If we say that the past 20 years, the proportion of urban population in China increased by 10 percentage points of the circumstances, in order to solve the city's water problems, to a certain extent at the expense of rural areas, the expense of the environment, then in the next 20 years , the proportion of China's urban population increased by 20 percentage points, the traditional "effective" approach for the following why? A good grasp of the basic characteristics of urban water resources and the development direction for the city managers and policy-makers, is to grasp the rise and fall of the big city things.
1. Urban water problems faced by the long-term nature and complexity.
Urban water problems, and social factors is a natural result of the interaction. Each city a different geographical location, city size, structure, functions, political and economic status as well as at different stages of urban development and so on, determined that cities are facing significant difference in water issues. In the urban development process, on the one hand, the rational allocation of water resources, water, environmental governance and control of water disasters, defense continually increasing demands on the other hand, most cities have a public good because of the nature of basic research in the city water is not enough investment is not adequate, a large number of community excessive pursuit of the existence of local and immediate interests, such as the short-term behavior is still ongoing intensification of contradictions. From the basic national conditions, the vast majority of cities in China do not have the short term to overcome the high input to the process of urbanization in the strength of the water crisis. Therefore, the development of urban water resources is a long-term and arduous task, not do a good job of several "image projects" will be able to solve the problem. Of both resources and environmental factors, but also the water hazard, the need to co-ordinate planning, comprehensive management, development and governance will be closely linked to the rational allocation of water resources, water, disaster management, together with the water environment into the urban development planning, the establishment of a relatively stable, with the city's economic development by a simultaneous increase in the proportion of the input mechanism, while strengthening the rule of law education, to contain urban development and water pollution caused by water disasters increase the risk of the trend.
2. Urban water planning advanced.
The problem is the development of urban water problems. So at the planning stage of urban water resources have to consider how to deal with the issue of urban development in the evolution of trends in water, how to meet the future development of urban water demand. At present, urban water planning is an important issue in basic research is not enough means to less than forecast, planning is often based on past data is incomplete, making the planning of their own lack of reasonable assurance, it is difficult to shake off "the first headache medicine, medical脚疼feet "dilemma. Urban water and reasonable basis for planning must be based on the basis of scientific forecasts. In recent years, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Center for Disaster and Environment Research and Development of the urban flood simulation technology has been used in Haikou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang, Harbin and other cities, and the continuous development of improved access to the the stage of practical use. At the same time, urban water management and decision support information systems also need to strengthen.