


Based on Chinese stock market volatility as the research object, by the macro policies, price stability mechanism, market investor behaviour of China's stock market volatility, analyzed the influence of the main factors of Chinese stock market, through the analysis of the status quo, and puts forward a series of Chinese stock market existing problems and the insufficiency. Finally, according to the analysis of the stock market volatility in the economic consequences, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions.
第1个回答  2009-04-18
This article take Our country Stock market fluctuation as the object of study, through to the macroscopic policy, the price stabilization mechanism, aspects and so on market investor behavior analyzed has affected our country Stock market undulatory property primary factor, through to our country Stock market present situation's analysis, asked a series of our country Stock market present existence question and the insufficiency. Finally according to the analysis stock market undulatory property economic consequences, proposed the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion.