
Do movie and television affect our life
There is much talk about whether we should see many movies and Tv programmes or not.With the rapid development of modern technology,seeing movie has become an indispensable part of our life.However,I think that,their advantages far outweights disadvantages.

Of course,I am not denying the fact that movie and TV programmes do make people lazier,both for the children and for the adult.For one thing,seeing many movies and television will make you get out the habit of reading book,and therefore,waste your precious time on such things.For another thing,some poor-quality movies would ruin your pace of life.Seeing these movies frequently,we're unwilling to pay our attention to our study and work.

But above all,seeing movie and television also enjoys considerable advantages.To start with,just like book is the window to us,movie and television are our eyes which will broaden our knowledge about world.By watching a variety of movies and television,we will come closer to the people of different countries and cultures.Secondly,seeing movie or television is an entertaining activity for the ordinary family.We could not only ease our tension from movie television,but also find some enjoyment in the unrealistic world.

In short,just as many things,so movie and television also have their own merits and demerits.How they will play roles in our life depends upon us.If we lead them to an unhealthy road,I believe,they will do more harm to ourselves.

There is much talk about whether we 我感觉应该是talking
However,I think that,their advantages far outweights disadvantages.
中however用得不当,这句话可改成:For my part,i think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.
下面of course 这一段可以用一句话概括Admittedly,watching movies has some bad influence on us,but if we capitalize on these programs appropriately ,it may bring us more positive effects.另外,这句话最好放在结尾时说出来,也就是顺便提一下就行了。
你应该把下一段提到of course这一段的位置来,作为你的论据。
just as many things,so movie and television also have their own merits 中的so应去掉。
People's views towards the advantages and disadvantanges of TOPIC vary greatly.Some believe that OPINION 1 ,while others argue that OPINION 2.As for me,i agree to the former/later ides because its advantages outweigh it disadvantages.

There are dozens of reasons behind my belief.First of all,论据1
The second reason that can be seen by every person is that 论据2
Frome the above ,we can easily see that TOPIC is beneficial to sb/sth .