

What about the role of financial factors? Speculation and commodity financial investment are frequently mentioned as factors in recent oil price increases. However, there is little clear evidence that these factors have any systematic price impact. Both investment inflows into energy and oil funds and the net futures market positions of
noncommercial investors, for example, peaked in late 2007 and have since declined. Nevertheless, shifts in sentiment may well have some impact on short-term price dynamics, particularly given the lack of timely information about global market conditions. In addition, recent financial conditions likely exerted some upward pressure.Both U.S. dollar depreciation and the decline in real policy interest rates tend to push oil prices upward. The effects are primarily short-term,with scope for overshooting, but longer-term effects are possible through the effects on physical oil demand and supply.13 Oil prices have eased recently on (1) increased OPEC production (primarily in
Saudi Arabia); (2) data signaling a continued decline in U.S. oil demand that seems to reflect a growing demand response to high prices and not just slowing income; (3) prospects for lower growth in other major advanced economies; and (4) less-supportive financial conditions,given the U.S. dollar rebound. Looking ahead,oil demand growth is likely to moderate with the slower global growth envisaged for the second half of 2008 and for 2009. If recent production increases are sustained, near-term market conditions will thus be less tight and will support a decrease in prices below recent peaks, with some scope for further downward adjustment if the global downturn intensifies or the demand response to high prices further strengthens in advanced economies. Nevertheless, supply constraints and continued strong growth in emerging economies are likely to keep prices both well above pre-boom levels and subject to continued volatility.

非经营性投资,例如,在2007年底达到高峰,自那时以来有所下降。然而,事态变化很可能有一些影响,短期价格变化,特别是由于缺乏及时的信息,对全球的市场调节。此外,最近的财务状况可能产生一些美元贬值和降低实际政策利率往往推动油价上升。的影响主要是短期的,过度的范围,但长期影响是可能的,通过对自身的影响石油需求,石油价格和供应缓解最近的( 1 )增加欧佩克石油产量(主要是在
沙特阿拉伯) ; ( 2 )数据信号持续下降,美国石油需求,似乎反映了不断增长的需求作出反应,以高价格,而不仅仅是减缓收入; ( 3 )低增长的前景在其他主要发达经济体;和( 4 )不支持的财政状况,考虑到美元反弹。展望未来,石油需求增长可能放缓的全球经济增长放缓所设想的2008年下半年和2009年。如果最近的产量的增加是持续的,短期的市场条件,从而减少紧张,将支持减少价格低于最近的高峰,一些余地进一步向下调整,如果全球经济下滑加剧的需求或针对高油价将进一步加强在先进的经济体系。不过,供应方面的限制和持续强劲增长的新兴经济体有可能使价格都远远高于暴涨之前的水平,并受到持续波动。
第1个回答  2009-04-09
