根据提示写英语作文【急】拜托各位了 3Q

【1】根据中文提示以“Elephants are in danger”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。 提示:①大象的外貌特征、习性及能力; ②大象所面临的危险; ③我们应该如何保护大象。 【2】假如你去年去伦敦了,请根据下面提供的信息写一篇70词左右的短文,向同学 们介绍一下伦敦的情况。 地理位置:位于英格兰东南部,面积约1600平方公里,人口(population)700 多万。 名胜古迹:大英博物馆,中国城,白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace),海德公园 (Hyde Park),大本钟(Big Ben)等。 【3】下面是新华网2009年“百位感动中国人物”候选人之一文花枝的简要事迹。请 根据所给材料写一篇80词左右的文章。 文花枝,女,湖南省人,1982年出生,导游。她是一名用真诚和微笑对待游客的女孩。2005年8月28日,她在带旅游团途中遭遇车祸,当营救人员想把坐在第一排的文花枝先抢救出去时,她大声说:“我是导游,后面是我的游客,请你们先救游客。”事实上,文花枝伤得非常严重。最后,由于延误了宝贵的救治时间,文花枝不得不做了左腿高位截肢手术。 提示词:导游 a tour guide;车祸 a traffic accident; 营救人员 rescue workers;瘫痪的 paralyzed

1、Elephants are the biggest and strongest animals on land. They have big ears, long tasks, grey fur, and long trunks. They are heavy. And they are quiet and peaceful. Elephants can walk on tiptoe easily. There are few elephants in the wild now. The number of them is getting smaller and smaller, because hunters kill them for their tusks. If hunters see an elephant in the wild, they will kill it. Hunters will make a lot of money if they sell elephants’ tusks. Elephants can help farmers do lots of things if people train them. They never hurt people. They are friendly towards people and can work for people. There will not be any elephants if we do not protect them. If we do not help these wild animals, they will die soon. So we should help elephants. 大象是陆地上最大的动物和最强。他们有大耳朵,长期的任务,灰色皮毛,长鼻子。他们正在重。他们正在安静祥和。 大象可以踮起脚尖走。 很少有大象在野外。它们的数目正在变得越来越少,因为猎人杀掉他们,因为他们的长牙。 如果猎人们看到一只野生大象,他们将会杀死它。猎人会赚很多钱,如果他们卖大象的长牙。大象可以帮助农民做很多事,如果人们对他们进行培训。他们从不伤害别人。他们是友好的人,可以为别人工作。 不会有任何的大象,如果我们不保护他们。如果我们不帮助这些野生动物,他们很快就要死了。所以我们应该帮助大象。 2、London is in Scotland. Area approximately 1600 square kilometers. Population of about 700 million. London has many places of interest, such as: the British museum, China town, Buckingham Palace, Hyde park, Big Ben, etc. 伦敦位于苏格兰东南部。面积约有1600平方千米。人口大概有700多万。 伦敦有许多名胜古迹,比如有:大英博物馆,中国城,白金汉宫,海德公园,大本钟等等。 3、In 1982, Wen Huazhi was born in hunan province, later, became a guide. She is a sincere and smile to visitors with the girl. On August 28, 2005, in her car, when in groups to rescue personnel to sit in the front row of Wen Huazhi to rescue her out, said: "I was behind me, is the guide, please you save first visitor visitors." In fact, cuttlefish hurt very serious. Finally, because the precious time delay treatment, cuttlefish had to do a leg high amputation. She sacrifice oneself in rescuing others this spirit is worth studying. 1982年,文花枝在湖南省出生,后来,成了一个导游。她是一名用真诚和微笑对待游客的女孩。2005年8月28日,她在带旅游团途中遭遇车祸,当营救人员想把坐在第一排的文花枝先抢救出去时,她大声说:“我是导游,后面是我的游客,请你们先救游客。”事实上,文花枝伤得非常严重。最后,由于延误了宝贵的救治时间,文花枝不得不做了左腿高位截肢手术。她这种舍己为人的精神很值得我们学习。