
Crocodiles are among the largest reptiles (爬行动物) in the world. They have long, low bodies, short legs and long powerful tails. Their skins are tough and they have very sharp teeth. They live in tropical countries throughout the world and prefer a large area of shallow water, being especially happy in open swamps (沼泽). Their feet are designed to allow them to walk on soft ground.
One unusual feature of the crocodile is that its eyes and nostrils are higher than the rest of its head, which is extremely useful, as they like nothing better than to float dangerously in the water, with only their eyes and nose above the surface. It is often extremely difficult to see if a particular area of water contains any crocodiles.
Crocodiles are much more powerful than American and Chinese Alligators (鳄鱼). Thanks to their powerful jaws, they can eat a variety of small fishes and other animals, such as birds and turtles. Occasionally they attack larger animals and sometimes people, even large water buffalo (水牛). They have no chance of surviving when meeting with a crocodile.
The crocodile’s method of catching water buffalos is terrifying and very successful. Lying just below the surface of the water, it moves slowly towards its prey , leaving the surface of the water almost undisturbed.
Suddenly the crocodile explodes out of the water and closes its jaws upon the nearest part of the water buffalo, usually one of its legs. The water buffalo falls. With the help of is powerful tail the crocodile then rolls over and over, causing the water buffalo to lose sense of direction. The victim is then dragged into deeper water, where it drowns and stops struggling.
Despite their great power, there are some species of crocodile which are endangered species, because they are hunted for their skins, which man makes into leather for shoes and handbags. There are laws forbidding crocodile hunting in many parts of the world, and scientists have begun programs to collect crocodile eggs and hatch them in machines. The baby crocodiles are then sent back into the wild.

第1个回答  2009-05-26
鳄鱼是最大的爬行动物(爬行动物)在世界上。他们长期,低机构,腿短和长期强大的尾巴。他们的皮肤是艰难的,他们非常尖锐的牙齿。他们生活在热带国家,在世界各地和喜欢大面积的浅水,正在特别高兴在公开沼泽(沼泽) 。
鳄鱼属于强大得多比美国和扬子鳄(鳄鱼) 。由于其强大的下巴,他们可以吃各种各样的小型鱼类和其他动物,如鸟类和海龟。偶尔,他们的攻击大型动物,有时是人,即使大型水牛(水牛) 。他们没有机会尚存在会见鳄鱼。