

第1个回答  2009-05-24
恢复铂族金属(铂族金属)由催化器排气系统的花费是审议本文件中。具有成本效益,恢复进程必须超过90 %的高效率和优化,使他们的行动是至关重要的。有效的优化需要一个健全的理解和运作的基本过程的机制。本文的重点是火法恢复操作使用和典型的约翰逊万丰进程。分析这一过程表明,它不能简单地解释了重力场模型通常是假定。分析表明,亲和的铂族金属粒子的熔化金属是收藏家的一个关键因素的行为过程。合理的解释的关键问题的过程,行为,提出并证明是符合现有的业务数据。产生的结果将适用于其他类似的过程。 © 2000爱思唯尔科技有限公司保留所有权利。
1 。导言
车用催化器已越来越多地用于自1970年代中期以来在美国(和最近在世界各地) ,以满足所执行的排放量限制的国际立法[ 1 ] 。催化剂包含铂或白金:钯组合转换一氧化碳和碳氢化合物的二氧化碳和水分(水) 。铂族金属(铂族金属)中存在极少量的这些类别的催化剂,由于其内在的价值,值得恢复从废排气系统[ 2,3 ] 。然而,对于这样的铂族金属回收程序,以符合成本效益,以及90 %以上的这些贵重金属mustbe恢复[ 3 ] 。
第2个回答  2009-05-24
The recovery of platinum group metals (PGMs) from catalytic converters of spent exhaust systems is considered in this paper. To be cost-effective, recovery processes must be well over 90% efficient and so the optimisation of their operation is vital. Effective optimisation requires a sound understanding of the operation and the underlying process mechanisms. This paper focuses on pyrometallurgical recovery operations used and typified by the Johnson–Matthey process. Analysis of this process reveals that it cannot be simply explained by the gravity model that is normally assumed. The analysis reveals that the affinity of PGM particles for the melted collector metal is a key factor in the behaviour of the process. A rational explanation of the key issues that govern the process behaviour is proposed and shown to be consistent with available operational data. The results generated would be applicable to other similar processes. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Automotive catalytic converters have been used increasingly since the mid-1970s in the USA (and more recently around the world) to meet emission limits enforced by international legislation [1]. The catalysts contain either platinum or platinum: palladium combinations to convert carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide and moisture (H2O). Platinum group metals (PGMs) are present in very small quantities in these class of catalysts and, given their intrinsic value, it is worth recovering them from the spent exhaust systems [2,3]. However, for such PGM recovery processes to be cost-effective, well over 90% of these precious metals mustbe recovered [3].
This paper is concerned with an assessment of the recovery mechanism of PGM in one family of pyrometallurgical processes that treat the catalysts from the spent exhaust systems. A brief survey of these processes is followed by a straightforward analysis of the presumed mode of operation. Simply put, the available experimental data does not support the conventional received wisdom on the way in which the PGMs are recovered. The paper then suggests a possible mechanism by which the PGM is recovered in the collector metal.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2009-05-24