
题目叫“winter is the father of spring”(就和失败乃成功之母之类的挂上钩就行了)是一篇演讲稿,算期中分数的,我很急,快帮帮忙,我感激不尽!!(我只是初二学生,别太难的,谢谢!)在线等。。。。。。

"Failure is the mother of success," saying this so that I learn and grow in the road by a lot of inspiration, has inspired me, encouraged me, so it has become my motto.
I remember last year, as I am outstanding, successful Mathematical Olympiad training course was the fifth grade, "taking" of. Unconsciously, a semester later, Mathematical Olympiad competition to our step-by-step approach, a few days before the game, the teacher of us carried out a simulation test, I completed the papers soon. The next day, waiting for the answers to the teacher announced my results, unexpected I did not finish, but also gas and sad I got home, hit the test told the mother, my mother will say that: " children, not to despair, defeat them is the mother of success, you should find out the reasons for the failure. "I listened to my mother a meaningful, then I am deeply inspired, recalled after the examination, the examination when the original I think they learned well, resulting in paralysis too much thinking, not intended to fully understand the questions, they start doing the title makes the final examination plummeted. I finally found the reasons for the failure. Thus, after various examinations, as well as race, I always remind myself: "Do not be proud, to calm."
In "Failure is the mother of success" under the famous words of encouragement, Olympic's "real" I am not proud of, but calmly deal with the results achieved second place, I am wild with joy, the joy of success I am excited and inspired me. Yes ah, "Failure is the mother of success," saying this right. However, after the failure can not be successful, but you want to go after the failure of serious reflection, you find out the reasons for the failure, then correct it. In this way, the "failure" will be next, "the mother of success."
In my life after the road there will be a failure, but my motto: "Failure is the mother of success" will always be my inspiration, encouraging me to continue climbing to the peak of science.
第1个回答  2009-05-29
"Failure is the mother of success," saying this so that I learn and grow in the road by a lot of inspiration, has inspired me, encouraged me, so it has become my motto.
I remember last year, as I am outstanding, successful Mathematical Olympiad training course was the fifth grade, "taking" of. Unconsciously, a semester later, Mathematical Olympiad competition to our step-by-step approach, a few days before the game, the teacher of us carried out a simulation test, I completed the papers soon. The next day, waiting for the answers to the teacher announced my results, unexpected I did not finish, but also gas and sad I got home, hit the test told the mother, my mother will say that: " children, not to despair, defeat them is the mother of success, you should find out the reasons for the failure. "I listened to my mother a meaningful, then I am deeply inspired, recalled after the examination, the examination when the original I think they learned well, resulting in paralysis too much thinking, not intended to fully understand the questions, they start doing the title makes the final examination plummeted. I finally found the reasons for the failure. Thus, after various examinations, as well as race, I always remind myself: "Do not be proud, to calm."
In "Failure is the mother of success" under the famous words of encouragement, Olympic's "real" I am not proud of, but calmly deal with the results achieved second place, I am wild with joy, the joy of success I am excited and inspired me. Yes ah, "Failure is the mother of success," saying this right. However, after the failure can not be successful, but you want to go after the failure of serious reflection, you find out the reasons for the failure, then correct it. In this way, the "failure" will be next, "the mother of success."
In my life after the road there will be a failure, but my motto: "Failure is the mother of success" will always be my inspiration, encouraging me to continue climbing to the peak of science.
第2个回答  2009-05-30