
Translate the following into Chinese: We can wag fingers and self-righteously( 正直地;公正地) shout that the domestic(国产) car companies are reaping the(收割) unhappy fruits of the thoughtless(轻率的;欠考虑的;考虑不周的;不顾及他人的) seeds they planted. Schadenfreude(幸灾乐祸) is joy in hypocrisy( 虚伪;伪善). we bought all of those big trucks and big-engine cars. and we demanded more of them as long as we had access to the developed world's cheapest gasoline. but we whined( 发牢骚;哭诉;嘎嘎响;发呜呜声) like babies and screamed( 尖叫;呼啸;发出尖锐刺耳的声音;令人触目惊心) for more fuel( 燃料;刺激因素)-efficient( 有效率的;有能力的;生效的) vehicles( [车辆] 车辆(vehicle的复数形式);交通工具) like infants( 婴儿) crying for nipples(乳头,奶头;奶嘴) when gasoline topped $4 a gallon(加仑). Put another way, we -- consumers(消费者,消耗者;用户,顾客) and politicians( 政治家,政客)-- were complicit(有同谋关系的,串通一气的) in the automobile(汽车) industry's( 产业;工业;勤勉) reluctance( [电磁] 磁阻;勉强;不情愿) to do better in the arenas(竞技场(arena的复数形式);角斗场) of fuel economy(经济) and emissions( [环境] 排放;[环境] 排放物,辐射) control. the natural tendency( 倾向,趋势;癖好) in a purely profit(利润;利益)-oriented(导向的;定向的;以…为方向的), capitalist(资本家;资本主义者) system is to give consumers(消费者,消耗者) what they are demanding at a price that returns a handsome reward on investment( 投资;投入) in product development.

我们可以摇晃着手指自以为是地说,国内的汽车公司由于缺乏考虑,正在自食其果。幸 灾乐祸是一种虚伪的快乐。 我们一直在购买大型皮卡和大马力汽车, 只要我们还能买到所有 发达国家中价格最低的汽油,我们还会继续购买这样的车。然而,一旦燃油价格飙升至每加 仑四美元,我们就像婴儿哭哭啼啼闹着要吃奶一样,叫嚷着要更多省油节能型的汽车。 换句话说, 汽车工业不愿意在节能减排方面做出更多努力, 我们——消费者和政客—— 也难辞其咎。 在以纯利润为导向的资本主义体制中, 为消费者提供其所需的能为投资带来丰 厚回报的产品,是再自然不过的事情