对加拿大温哥华的印象 英文写的



(Vancouver is located the Canadian Britain Colombia province the south tip of, is a beautiful city.Her three go around a mountain, at the same time approaches the sea, although is in with the Chinese Heilongjiang Province close high latitude, but south side the Pacific Ocean monsoon and the warm current influence, northeastern part has goes through vertically the North America mainland Rocky Mountains to do the barrier, died at the age of the climate to be temperate, to be moist, the environment is pleasant, evaluates many times occupies optimumly for the whole world the city, is the Canada famous tourist attraction).
第1个回答  2010-06-17
写文章不会,我写出来楼主自己翻译吧. 温哥华夏天的天气不错,只有20多度,冬天也不回很冷,都在0度以上.但是冬天雨多,不是很方便出行. 还有温哥华的人比较热情,华人占大部分.交通工具相对便宜,几乎人人都有车.