求英语翻译 酒店英语 宾客须知 急!


1、 安全警示:若发生火情、火灾请及时拨打酒店报警电话“6661”或总机“0”,服从酒店服务员的安排、指挥。
2、 宾客入住登记时,应出示证明身份的相关有效证件、酒店方能办理入住手续。
3、 所有入住酒店的客人,均应先在本酒店接待处办理登记手续。
4、 客人办理入住登记时,必须预先确认房价。
5、 退房结帐请到大堂收银处办理手续,退房时间为中午12:00时,会员客人可延迟至14: 00时。
6、 酒店设有加床服务,酒店房间入住人数以床位数计算(大床房可住2人),12岁以下儿童可同父母同住不另收费(不加床)
7、 酒店客房只作住宿用途,严禁宿娼卖淫、吸毒贩毒、走私贩私、非法兑换外币、贩运传播淫秽物品、聚众赌博、流氓斗殴等其它违法中国法律的行为。
8、 严禁将易燃、易爆、剧毒和放射性危险物品带入酒店。
9、 根据公安机关规定:主客不准私自留宿或转让床位、有加住客人必须到接待处办理入住登记手续方可入住。
10、 严禁使用酒精灯、电炉等煮食物及燃放鞭炮,否则造成损失,要按价赔偿。
11、 来访者必须按规定办理来访登记手续,在没有住客相陪时,来访者不得进入客人房间,所有来访者于23:00时之前必须离开客房。
12、 一切腐烂及任何发出异味的物品和食品,不能放在客房内。
13、 客人来访者,如损坏酒店任何物品和设备,酒店有权要求客人赔偿。
14、 客人所带金钱、重要文件及贵重物品,应存放在酒店前台保险箱中(此项服务为免费),否则如有遗失,酒店恕不负责。
15、 任何宠物不得携带进酒店。
16、 客人生病应及时与酒店联系,否则因私自处理出现问题酒店概不负责。
17、 客人外出时应把钥匙存放在大堂接待处,以免丢失。
18、 有陌生人敲门时,为了您的安全,请忽给其开房门。
19、 酒店每天退房时间为中午12:00时,12:00——18:00时之间退房收半天房费,18:00时以后退房收全天房费。
20、 客人入住酒店,如不能按时退房,应及时通知总台接待处,如未及时知会,酒店有权自动为客人退房,客人于房间的行李杂物,将由酒店暂管,而一切损失酒店将不予负责。
21、 携带枪支、武器者,必须据实登记,自行妥善保管可交当地公安机关保管。
22、 客人要自觉遵守酒店各项规则,服从酒店管理,如有任何需要或疑问请与酒店联系。

1, security warning: In case of fire, please call the hotel fire alarm call "6661" or the switchboard "0", subject to arrangements for hotel staff, and command.
2, guests check in, they should produce the relevant valid documents to prove identity, the hotel can only check.
3, all guests staying at hotels should be first in the hotel reception to register.
4, guests check in, we must advance to confirm pric
5, check out cashier checkout please go to the lobby to complete the formalities, Check-out time is 12:00, the members may be delayed to 14 guests: 00 time.
6, the hotel with extra services, the number of hotel room occupancy is calculated to bed (double room can accommodate 2 people) Children under the age of 12 living with parents without extra charge (no extra bed)
7, the hotel room only for residential purposes, is strictly prohibited places prostitution prostitution, drug abuse and trafficking, smuggling, illegal foreign currency exchange, dissemination of pornographic materials trafficking, and gambling, fighting and other illegal rogue Chinese law.
8, is strictly prohibited flammable, explosive, toxic and radioactive hazardous materials into the hotel.
9, according to police authority: host and guest not permitted to stay or transfer of beds, with additional guests to the reception area to live check in before arrival.
10, prohibited use of alcohol lamps, stoves and other cooking food and set off firecrackers, or losses, according to the compensation price.
11, visitors must register in accordance with regulations visit, in the absence of guest Xiang Pei, the visitors are not allowed to enter the guest room, all visitors must leave the room until 23:00 pm.
12, all the rot and the odor of any goods and food, not on the room. 13 guest visitors, such as damaged goods and equipment of any hotel, hotel guests the right to request compensation
14, the guests brought money, important documents and valuables should be kept safe in the hotel reception (This service is free of charge), or any loss, the hotel will not be responsible.
15, may not bring any pets into the hotel.
16, guests are sick should contact the hotel in time, otherwise, deal with problems due to the hotel without permission is not responsible.
17, when the guests go out to the key stored in the reception hall, so as not to lose. 18, When strangers knock on the door, for your security, please open the door to his suddenly.
18, When strangers knock on the door, for your security, please open the door to his suddenly.
19, the hotel every day check out time is 12:00 pm ,12:00 - 18: 00 pm Check-out between a half-day closing price, after 18:00 Check out the price collection day.
20, hotel guests, if they can not check out on time, shall promptly notify the front desk reception, if not promptly notify the hotel the right to automatically check for the guests, the guests in the room, luggage and debris from the hotel temporarily, whereas all Hotel will not be responsible for the loss.
21, carry firearms, weapons will be required to register truthfully, take good care of their own can pay the local public security organ storage.
22, hotel guests should consciously abide by the rules, subject to hotel management, if there is any need or questions, please contact the hotel.
第1个回答  2015-10-04
1, safety warning: in case of fire, fire please promptly call the hotel alarm call "6661" or the switchboard "0", subject to arrangements for hotel staff, and command.
2, guests in the registration, should produce proof of identity of the relevant valid documents, the hotel can handle check-in.
3, all Check Inn Hotel guests, should be in the hotel reception desk for registration.
4, guests for check-in, must be confirmed in advance.
5, check out checkout checkout at the lobby of the cashier at the time of the 12:00, the member guests can be delayed to 14: 00.
6, the hotel with extra services, hotel room occupancy number to the number of beds calculation (big bed room for 2 people), children under 12 years of age can be living with parents without extra charge (no extra bed)
7, the hotel room only for residential purposes, is strictly prohibited prostitution, drug drug trafficking, smuggling, illegal foreign currency exchange, trafficking spread pornography, gambling or gang fighting and other illegal behavior of the law of the people's Republic of China.
8, it is strictly prohibited to flammable, explosive, toxic and radioactive dangerous goods into the hotel.
9, according to the provisions of the public security organs: subject and object are not allowed to stay or transfer of beds, additional guests must to the reception and check-in formalities before arrival.
10, prohibited the use of alcohol lamps, stoves and other cooking food and firecrackers, or losses, according to the compensation price.
11, visitors must register in accordance with regulations visit, in the absence of guest accompany, visitors may not enter guest room, all visitors before 23:00 must leave the room.
12, all decay and any odor of the items and food, can not be placed in the room.
13, guest visitors, such as damage to any of the hotel items and equipment, the hotel has the right to ask for compensation.
14, the guests with money, important documents and valuables, should be stored in the hotel reception safe box (this service is free), otherwise if there is lost, the hotel will not be responsible for.
15. No pets are allowed to carry into the hotel.
16, the guest is ill should contact with the hotel in time, otherwise it is not responsible for handling the problem of the hotel.
17, the guest should put the key in the lobby reception desk, so as not to lose.
18, when a stranger knocks at the door, for your safety, please give it to open the door.
19, a day to the hotel check-out time is 12:00 noon, 12:00, between 18:00 check-out to close a half day room rate, after 18:00 check-out closed the day room rate.
20, hotel guests, if they can not check out on time should be promptly notify the front desk reception, such as not promptly notify the hotel has the right to automatically check for the guests, guests in the room, luggage and debris, from the hotel temporarily, and all the loss of the hotel will not be responsible.
21, carrying firearms, weapons, must register according to the facts, take good care of their own can pay the local public security organ storage.
22, guests should be aware of the rules of the hotel, to comply with the hotel management, if there is any need or questions, please contact the hotel.
第2个回答  2010-06-25
Security warning: In case of fire, please call the hotel fire alarm "6661" or the switchboard "0", and arrangement with the hotel staff.(什么叫服从酒店服务员的安排、指挥。你们是领导啊,看到这一句我就懒得给你翻了)
第3个回答  2010-07-05
;的设计的飞机到了打死的风格;了固定价格若;善根福德宫的放量上攻、‘的计量精度[AS FHSL F]是快乐发号施令负电荷飞史莱克方式

