

The conductor came up to me, my hand to her all the money, as long as the pond, I thought it will be more a few cents, but surprisingly enough. Day! How could the money enough? This is my first encounter. The price! How can I do? I hate not flush with shame, a seam can let me get in. I all the passengers on the bus with expectant eyessaccade. Oh, get out. The moment when I got up, a bespectacled young man stood up, to pay the five cents for me. I want to say "thank you" to him, but the voice did not know is because of excitement or other reasons, failed toexpress my thanks to him the first time, a heart like a rabbit jump stop. I look back at him. Just as he was about toget off at the moment, I finally get up the courage to ask him to say "thank you" word,