求大神翻译下面这篇文章!!万分感谢!!! 近年来中国越来越



In recent years, China has been paying more and more attention to expanding its influence in Latin America. Currently, China has promised more than $50 billions in investment and loans to Latin American countries. China's investment in Latin America aims at the areas of oil, gas and minerals, suggesting that China's attention to the region is focused on long-term strategic goals, instead of immediate economic interests. Trade with Latin America will help China (to)solve the increasingly prominent energy demand problem.
Direct foreign investment in Latin America has been declining in recent years. Therefore, according to a congressional study, it is said: "many Latin American countries are very welcoming to China's commitment to increase investment in the region.".While some Latin Americans were "fed up" with the US led economic development model, China was moderate and friendly in the region and put money into the resources it desperately needs. Today, Beijing is fully aware of the importance of the Latin American market in the future. Compared with 35 years ago, this is a significant change. At that time China was not recognized by most Latin American countries.