
Discuss with your partner the ways to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.

A:Now I'm thinking about a question.
B: What's it?
A: How can reduce the gap between the rich and poor?I recently read a poll report which shows that the gap actually is more than publicly previous.The gap is rise all the time. And the rate is more and more big result in more and more distance far
B: So what's your opinion? How can contorl it?Do you have any new ideas?
A:First ,I think the cause lies in two aspects. firstly, the gap is the result of the economic reform. some seize the opportunities and become millionaires by working hard and meanwhile the slow development in agriculture hinders the farmers from raising their living standards and the closedown of many state-owned enterprises renders the jobless poverty-stricken.
B:And the second?
A:It's the current distributing of income is not scientific and reasonable, thus widening the income difference.third, while most make money honestly, there are some dishonest businessmen and government officials who have accumulated large fortunes by illegal ways.
B: So how to deal with it?
A:to narrow the gap, the government should take effective actions to help the poor, and meanwhile strictly enforce laws to eliminate corruption in government. on the other hand, reform on income distribution should be carried out and strict income taxation should be made more workable and effective to narrow people's income gap. and finally, the traditional "law of value" and "principle of more pay for more work" should have their final say.