
不是不想你 只是想要忘记你
曾今的回忆 却出现在我梦里
说好不想你 可一直浮现在我记忆里
也许只是自己骗自己 不管清晨还是黎明

曾经路过的小屋 拥吻过的街头
一段盛夏的回忆 never forgets
可是酒杯里的倒影 如今的背影
一切都化为泡影 but never forgets

可是说好不想你 那就埋藏在心里
镜子里的伤口 已没有任何的意义
决定不想你 相见而视而不见
遥远的背影 只留下的路口

BE not don't miss you to just want to forget you
Once now of recall but appear in my dream
Say that don'ting think you very much can have been present in my memory
Perhaps just oneself cheat oneself ignore morning still dawn

The cabin which once passed by once hugged and kiss of street
The never forgets of recall of a midsummer
But the figure of reflection on water now of the inside of the wine cup
Everything all vanish like bubbles but never forgets

But say that don't miss you that to bury very much in mind
The wound in the mirror already have no of meaning
The decision doesn't think you to meet but turn a blind eye
The street corner for leave of faraway figure