
汉英语中有些动物词语在字面上有某些相同之处,但在整体意义上相同之处很少或干脆没有。这类词汇最能表现出英汉两个民族在观察世界和表达思想方式上的差异,反映了东西方文化不同的宇宙观、审美观和信仰。一些动物在汉英语中概念意义相同,但在一种语言中有象征意义,在另一种语言中则无象征意义 据资料显示,英语中某些动物词语如:1)bull(公牛)、2)beaver(海狸)、3)hon(狮子)等只在英语中有比喻意义;而4)鹤(crane)、5)泥鳅(1oach)、6)乌龟(tortoise)和海龟(turtle)等只在汉语中有比喻意义(1)对中国人来说,bull(公牛)只是一个普通动物,没有特殊的比喻意义。中国人或许猜得出a bull in a china shop(瓷器店里的公牛)的字面意思,但他们无法与讲英语的人产生共鸣,他们头脑中没有那样一个“愤怒、哼着鼻子、满不在乎地闯进一个满是精美、细致瓷器的瓷器店里的公牛”的形象。而且中国人很难鉴赏到它生动的比喻意义:在一个需要举止得体、细致周密的场合闯进一个行为粗鲁、手脚笨拙、会惹麻烦的人。
地走动,还喜爱用牙齿把树啃倒,搭成一个美丽、复杂的“家园”。它这种独到的技能使其在动界获一美称:eager beaver(急不可待的海狸):在英语比喻,尤其是在暗喻中,an eager beaver是比喻一个“勤劳而不耐烦、急于将某事做完”的人,主要含贬义。这是讲汉语的人无法理解的。
3)对英国人和大部分西方人来说,lion(狮子)是“百兽之王”。从regal aS a lion(狮子般庄严),majestic as a lion(像狮子一样雄伟)等用语可以看出,狮子享有很高的声誉。12世纪后期英王理查一世因勇武大胆而被誉为hon—hearted(狮心理查),难怪英国人选狮子作为自己国家的象征了。而在中国文化里,人们对狮子一般没有那么多的联想,狮子不过是一种凶猛强大的动物,不见得庄严雄伟,倒是老虎往往会引起类似的联想。
5)泥鳅(1oach)在汉语中一向被比喻为“狡猾”。但在英语中顶多被当作鱼的一种,没有任何联想意义,西方人士毫不认为它“狡猾、不值得信任”。但是,英文中也确有个说法:slippery as aneel,结构也类似我们汉语的说法:滑得像泥鳅,但eel在英语中是鳗鱼,并不是汉语中说的“泥鳅”。
6)乌龟(tortoise)在汉语中象征长寿,在古老的宫殿、古庙等古建筑前人们随时可看到这种象征长命的石龟。汉语中有“龟儿子”、“龟孙子”、“乌龟王八蛋”等骂人的话。英语里却没有这种联想意义,英语里tortoise(乌龟)只是一种不起眼的、爬行慢的普通动物;turtle(海龟,甲鱼)也无特殊的比喻意义。所以英语词语turtle necksweater(翻领毛衣),常使中国人瞠目结舌。

Chinese and English words in some animals there are some similarities in the wording, but very few similarities in the overall sense, or simply do not. Such English words that best demonstrate the two peoples in the way of observing the world and express our thoughts on the differences reflect a different world view and Western culture, aesthetics and beliefs. Some animals in the Chinese concept of the same meaning in English, but in a language has a symbolic meaning in another language, no symbolic information shows that some animals in English words such as: 1) bull (bull), 2 ) beaver (beaver), 3) hon (lion) and so only a metaphorical sense in English; and 4) crane (crane), 5) loach (1oach), 6) turtle (tortoise) and turtle (turtle) and so only Chinese meaning in metaphor (1) of the Chinese people, bull (bull) is just a normal animal, no special metaphorical sense. Chinese people might guess, a bull in a china shop (china shop bull) the literal meaning, but they can not resonate with people who speak English, they do not mind as an "angry snort, nonchalantly Chuang into a full fine, fine porcelain china shop bull "image. It is difficult to appreciate the Chinese people a vivid metaphor to its meaning: a need for graceful, careful and thorough occasions broke into an act rude, clumsy, people will get into trouble.
2) beaver (beaver) is a very industrious animal in North America, the Chinese people know not by much. Day to night kept the animals
To move around, also like teeth to gnaw down trees, pull an beautiful, complex "home." It is this unique skill to be a good name in the moving industry: eager beaver (impatient beaver): metaphor in English, especially in the metaphor in, an eager beaver is the metaphor of a "hard-working and impatient, eager to be a things done ", mainly with derogatory. This is the Chinese-speaking people can not understand.
3) the British and most Westerners, lion (lion) is the "king of beasts." From the regal aS a lion (a lion solemn), majestic as a lion (as majestic as a lion) and other terms can be seen, the Lions enjoyed a high reputation. The late 12th century King Richard I, known for bold and chivalrous hon-hearted (Lion psychological investigation), no wonder the British candidate for the Lions as a symbol of their country. In Chinese culture, people generally do not have so many lions Lenovo, the lion is a ferocious but powerful animals, not necessarily solemn majesty, it touches the tiger often lead to similar associations.
Cultural Comparison of English animal words
In Chinese culture, people think the tiger had both good and bad. On the positive side, the heroic daring, strong strong, decisive, such as the tiger, and began to live for as little tiger, tiger in the old ambition, vigorous and angry words and men's names such as "big tiger", "tigers" "Tigers" and so on. From the bad news that violent cruel, ruthless, such as stumbling block, are sure they tyranny is fiercer than a tiger and so on. Western does not have this association. 4) Crane (Crane) is regarded as gods in our mounts, also known as
As "Crane." As the gods are immortal, the horse is to live forever, so the crane in the eyes of the Chinese symbol of longevity, but also distinguishes the meaning. In Chinese the word crane main "Hefatongyan", "The Crane Pose osteoporosis", "stand out" and said. The English people think that long-lived animals are elephants, nothing to do with the crane, they think that is an ugly bird crane.
5) Loach (1oach) in Chinese, has been likened to the "cunning." However, in English at most be regarded as a kind of fish, there is no associative meaning, not the West who think that it is "cunning, can not be trusted." However, in English, that there is an idea: slippery as aneel, structure similar to our Chinese saying: sliding like a loach, but the eel eel in the English language is not Chinese, said, "Loach."
6) tortoise (tortoise) a symbol of longevity in Chinese, in the old palace, temple and other ancient buildings can be seen at any time before the people of this symbol of long life of the stone turtle. Chinese, the "son of a bitch", "turtle grandson", "turtle bastard" and other curse words. Significance of this association did not burst into English, English in tortoise (tortoise) is just a humble, crawling slowly common animal; turtle (turtle, turtle) and no special metaphorical sense. English as the word turtle necksweater (turtleneck), often the Chinese people dumbfounded.
第1个回答  2010-05-02
Chinese and English words in some animals there are some similarities in the wording, but the similarities in the overall sense, little or simply no. Such English words that best demonstrate the two peoples to observe the world and express our thoughts in the way of differences, reflecting different world view and Western culture, aesthetics and beliefs. Some animals in the Chinese concept of the same meaning in English, but in a language has a symbolic meaning in another language, no symbolic information shows that some animals in English words such as: 1) bull (bull), 2 ) beaver (beaver), 3) hon (lion) and so only in a figurative sense in English; and 4) crane (crane), 5) loach (1oach), 6) tortoise (tortoise) and turtle (turtle) and so only Chinese meaning in metaphor (1) of the Chinese people, bull (bull) is just a normal animal, no special metaphorical sense. Chinese people might guess, a bull in a china shop (china shop bull) the literal meaning, but they can not resonate with people who speak English, they do not mind as an "angry snort, nonchalantly Chuang into a full fine, fine porcelain china shop bull "image. It is difficult to appreciate the Chinese people a vivid metaphor to its meaning: a need for graceful, careful and thorough occasions broke into an act rude, clumsy, people will get into trouble.

2) beaver (beaver) is a very industrious animal in North America, the Chinese people know not by much. Day to night kept the animals

To move around, also like teeth to gnaw down trees, pull an beautiful, complex "home." It is this unique skill to be a good name in the moving industry: eager beaver (impatient beaver): metaphor in English, especially in the metaphor in, an eager beaver is the metaphor of a "hard-working and impatient, eager to be a things done ", mainly with derogatory. This is the Chinese-speaking people can not understand.

3) the British and most Westerners, lion (lion) is the "king of beasts." From the regal aS a lion (a lion-like dignity), majestic as a lion (as majestic as a lion) and other terms can be seen, the Lions enjoyed a high reputation. The late 12th century King Richard I, known for bold and chivalrous hon-hearted (Lion psychological investigation), no wonder the British candidate for the Lions as a symbol of their country. In Chinese culture, people generally do not have so many lions Lenovo, the lion is a ferocious but powerful animals, not necessarily solemn majesty, it touches the tiger often lead to similar associations.

  Cultural Comparison of English animal words

    In Chinese culture, people think the tiger had both good and bad. On the positive side, the heroic daring, strong strong, decisive, such as the tiger, and began to live for as little tiger, tiger in the old ambition, vigorous and angry words and men's names such as "big tiger", "tigers" "Tigers" and so on. From the bad news that violent cruel, ruthless, such as stumbling block, are sure they tyranny is fiercer than a tiger and so on. Western does not have this association. 4) Crane (Crane) is regarded as gods in our mounts, also known as

As "Crane." As the gods are immortal, the horse is to live forever, so the crane in the eyes of the Chinese symbol of longevity, but also distinguishes the meaning. In Chinese the word crane main "Hefatongyan", "The Crane Pose osteoporosis", "stand out" and said. The English people think that long-lived animals are elephants, nothing to do with the crane, they think that is an ugly bird crane.

5) Loach (1oach) in Chinese, has been likened to the "cunning." However, in English at most be regarded as a kind of fish, there is no associative meaning, not the West who think that it "cunning, can not be trusted." However, in English, that there is an idea: slippery as aneel, structure similar to our Chinese saying: sliding like a loach, but the eel eel in the English language is not Chinese, said, "Loach."

6) tortoise (tortoise) a symbol of longevity in Chinese, in the ancient palace, the temple of ancient buildings such as can be seen at any time before the people of this symbol of long life of the stone turtle. Chinese, the "son of a bitch", "turtle grandson", "turtle bastard" and other curse words. Significance of this association did not burst into English, English in tortoise (tortoise) is just a humble, crawling slowly common animal; turtle (turtle, turtle) and no special metaphorical sense. English as the word turtle necksweater (turtleneck), often the Chinese people dumbfounded.
第2个回答  2010-04-28
Some animals in the Chinese and English words literally have similarities, but in the overall sense of the same little or none. This kind of words can show the observation of the world and express ideas in the way of east-west cultural differences, reflected the different view, aesthetics and beliefs. Some animals in Chinese and English in the same meaning, but in a kind of language is symbolic significance, in another language is no symbolic significance, the English words of some animals such as: 1) bull (bull), 2) beaver (beavers), 3) hon (lion) only in English has figurative meaning, While (4), (5) the loach crane) 1oach (6) the tortoise, tortoise (turtle and turtles (in Chinese), only have figurative meaning (1) for the Chinese people, the bull (bull) is a common animals, no special figurative meaning. The Chinese may guess a bull in a China shop offers (China) of the literal meaning of the bulls, but they cannot speak to English people resonate in their minds, as a "without anger, hum, nose and a full is exquisite and delicate porcelain of a China shop bull" image. And the Chinese people to appreciate to its vivid figurative meaning: in a thorough and meticulous to behave the occasion a rude behavior, clumsiness, will be in trouble.
2) beaver (beavers) is a kind of very diligent in north of animals, the Chinese know much. This kind of animal · days to late on
Moving, still loves the tree with teeth, as chews down a beautiful, complex "home". It is the special skills in the dynamic boundary eager beaver won a title: (trying to beaver) : in English metaphors, especially in an eager beaver metaphor, metaphor is a "industrious and impatient, eager to finish STH, mainly including the" derogatory. This is the Chinese people can understand.
3) for the British and most westerners, lion (the lion's "the king of beasts. Regal from a lion (the solemn majestic), a lion (like the lion grand) can be seen aS a lion, language enjoy a high reputation. 12 centuries later king Richard bold and brave because I called hon - hearted (mental), no wonder the UK as their candidate lion symbol of countries. But in Chinese culture, people usually not so much for the lion, the association is a fierce lion but powerful animals, not solemn, often can cause the tiger is similar to the association.
Chinese-english animal words cultural connotation
In Chinese culture, people's association for tiger there two aspects. The good news is bold and brave, strong, healthy, such as the Iliad and resolute like little tiger got to work on, old ambition, tiger tiger is angry words and names of DaHu "man", "two tiger" and "tiger", etc. From bad, fierce cruel, ruthless, such as tiger, tiger, cruel fierce in course not.though etc. Without the west. Crane (4) Crane) in China are regarded as fairy, say again
For "cranes. Due to the mount is immortal forever, forever, so also in Chinese heart symbolize longevity crane, have outstanding. In Chinese, the word is mainly about crane HeFaTongYan ", "" crane loose bone", "standout", etc. While English country people think the animal is an elephant, longevity and no relationship with the crane, they thought crane is an ugly bird.
1oach (5) collected in Chinese) has been compared to "crafty". But as in English at a fish, without any meaning, western people not think it "cunning, not worthy of trust". However, in English is a slippery: also, as aneel structure similar to our Chinese: slippery eel, but like the loach in English is not Chinese eel, "said." the loach
6) tortoise tortoise (in Chinese), in the ancient symbol of longevity palace, ancient temple before any such people can see this symbol of ShiGui long life. Chinese have "son", "turtle son", "turtle", etc. In English, but not the meaning of the English tortoise (turtle) is a small and crawl slowly ordinary animals, Turtle (turtle, turtle) and no special figurative meaning. So, English words necksweater (lapel turtle, often makes Chinese sweater) gaping
第3个回答  2010-04-28
Some animals in the Chinese and English words literally have similarities, but in the overall sense of the same little or none. This kind of words can show the observation of the world and express ideas in the way of east-west cultural differences, reflected the different view, aesthetics and beliefs. Some animals in Chinese and English in the same meaning, but in a kind of language is symbolic significance, in another language is no symbolic significance, the English words of some animals such as: 1) bull (bull), 2) beaver (beavers), 3) hon (lion) only in English has figurative meaning, While (4), (5) the loach crane) 1oach (6) the tortoise, tortoise (turtle and turtles (in Chinese), only have figurative meaning (1) for the Chinese people, the bull (bull) is a common animals, no special figurative meaning. The Chinese may guess a bull in a China shop offers (China) of the literal meaning of the bulls, but they cannot speak to English people resonate in their minds, as a "without anger, hum, nose and a full is exquisite and delicate porcelain of a China shop bull" image. And the Chinese people to appreciate to its vivid figurative meaning: in a thorough and meticulous to behave the occasion a rude behavior, clumsiness, will be in trouble.
2) beaver (beavers) is a kind of very diligent in north of animals, the Chinese know much. This kind of animal · days to late on
Moving, still loves the tree with teeth, as chews down a beautiful, complex "home". It is the special skills in the dynamic boundary eager beaver won a title: (trying to beaver) : in English metaphors, especially in an eager beaver metaphor, metaphor is a "industrious and impatient, eager to finish STH, mainly including the" derogatory. This is the Chinese people can understand.
3) for the British and most westerners, lion (the lion's "the king of beasts. Regal from a lion (the solemn majestic), a lion (like the lion grand) can be seen aS a lion, language enjoy a high reputation. 12 centuries later king Richard bold and brave because I called hon - hearted (mental), no wonder the UK as their candidate lion symbol of countries. But in Chinese culture, people usually not so much for the lion, the association is a fierce lion but powerful animals, not solemn, often can cause the tiger is similar to the association.
第4个回答  2010-05-03
I Don't know是我不知道的意思