
老师说,英语自我介绍这块很重要,但是我的英语水平实在捉急,我奋斗了十几个钟头,结果很不满意,所以我用中文写下一段,请英语大神帮我翻译的地道一些,万分期盼您的帮助啊。 以下是要翻译的部分:

我是一个稳重,踏实 有担当的人。我始终觉得,男人将来是应该顶门立户(支撑起一个家),所以我总是以这样的标准来要求自己不断进步。在准备研究生考试的一年中,我成长了很多,我发现一个人的潜力真的是可以不断开发,为自己的梦想努力拼搏是一件这么快乐的事情。今天我能有一个复试的机会,我很满意感到很幸福谢谢你们。我很喜欢看电影,通过电影让我对世界增加了很多了解,也对生活有了很多感悟。

I am a steady and dependable person,and a man of responsibility. I always think that a man should be able to support his family,so I always require myself with this standard to keep improving myself. I have learnt a lot during the year of preparing the NEEP(NEEP念的时候就念字母就好).I find that one's potential is without limit and it is really enjoyable to fight for my own dream.Today,I can have an opportunity to try again,which makes me feel really happy and grateful(我觉得这里‘满意’不太合适,换成了‘幸福和感激’).I enjoy watching movies,from which I have known more about the world and learnt more about life.