
A company that is ethnocentric in its approach to PR will extend homecountry PR activities into host countries.The rationale behind this approach is that people everywhere are motivated and persuaded in much the same manner.This approach does not take cultural considerations into account.A company adopting a polycentric approach to PR gives the host-country practitioner more leeway to incorporate local customs and practices into the PR effort.Although such an approach has the advantage of local responsiveness,the lack of global communication and coordination can lead to a PR disaster.42
The ultimate test of an organization’s understanding of the power and importance of public relations occurs during a time of environmental turbulence .especially a potential or actual crisis.When disaster strikes,a company or industry often finds itself thrust into the spotlight.A company’s swift and effective handling of communications during such times can have significant implications.The best response is to be forthright and direct,reassure the public,and provide the media with accurate information.
China’s ongoing trade-ralated friction with the United States highlights the need for a better PR effort on the part of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. Some sources of this friction have been discussed in earlier chapters,such as estimates that Chinese counterfeiting of copyrighted material alone costs U.S. companies $800 million annually or that 98 percent of the computer software used in China is pirated.Such revelations reflect poorly on China .Hong Kong businessman Barry C.Cheung notes,“China lacks skills in public relations generally and crisis management specifically,and that hurts them.” 43 Part of the problem stems from the unwillinhness of China’s Communist leaders to publicy explain their views on these issues,to admit failure , and to accept advice from the West.

一个公司,其方法是这个种族主义homecountry公关活动的公关延伸到东道国的. 这种方法是背后的基本原理,并说服人们都激发,以相同的方式该方法不需要文化因素考虑在内公司采用多途径给host-country公关从业者更多的回旋余地来融入当地的习惯和惯例进入公关努力虽然这种方法的优势是当地的回应,缺乏全球沟通与协调会导致一种公关disaster.42
中国正在兴起的trade-ralated摩擦与美国凸显需要一种更好的公关努力的一部分。中国外交部。一些消息来源的摩擦,讨论了早些章节,例如估计,中国的美国公司仅获得版权的材料成本每年8亿美元,或者98%的计算机软件用在中国是盗版的. 这样的启示.Hong不良影响中国的香港商人巴里C . 祥记笔记,“中国缺乏技巧一般危机管理和公共关系的明确,那伤害他们。" 43造成这个问题的部分原因来自中国共产党的领导unwillinhness对publicy解释他们对这些问题的立场,承认失败,并接受忠告来自西方的。

第1个回答  2010-03-22