有首英文歌的歌词有why tell me why是男的唱的,找了很久都找不到。。。


Tell Me Why - Declan Galbraith
Declan Galbraith - Tell me why 告诉我为什麼

In my dream 在我的梦里
Children sing a song of love for every boy and girl 孩童们为每个男孩和女孩唱著爱的歌
The sky is blue and fields are green 天空蔚蓝一片绿野平畴
And laughter is the language of the world 笑声是世界共通的语言
Then I wake and all I see 然後我醒过来放眼所见
Is a world full of people in need 却是个亟待救助的人们充斥的世界

Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
Does it have to be like this 这世界非得如此不可
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
Is there something I have missed 是否我错失了什麼
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
Cause I don't understand 因为我不明白
When so many need somebody 有这麼多人需要援助
We don't give a helping hand 我们却不肯伸出援手
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼

Everyday I ask myself 每一天我都扪心自问
What will I have to do to be a man 我该怎麼做才能成为男子汉
Do I have to stand and fight 我是否该挺身奋战
To prove to everybody who I am 向别人证明我的存在
Is that what my life is for 难道这就是我人生的意义
To waste in a world full of war 在这个充满战争的世界里虚掷生命

Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
Does it have to be like this 这世界非得如此不可
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
Is there something I have missed 是否我错失了什麼
Tell me why.. 告诉我为什麼..
Cause I don't understand 因为我不明白
When so many need somebody 有这麼多人需要援助
We don't give a helping hand 我们却不肯伸出援手
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
Tell me why ? Tell me why ? 告诉我为什麼
Tell me why ? Tell me why ? 告诉我为什麼
Just tell me why, why, why 告诉我为什麼....为什麼....

Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
Does it have to be like this 这世界非得如此不可
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
Is there something I have missed 是否我错失了什麼
Tell me why.. 告诉我为什麼..
Cause I don't understand 因为我不明白
When so many need somebody 有这麼多人需要援助
We don't give a helping hand 我们却不肯伸出援手
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
( why, why, does the tiger run) ( 为什麼虎狼横行)
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
( why why do we shoot the gun ) ( 为何我们让枪弹呼啸)
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
( why, why do we never learn ) ( 为何我们无法学会教训)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn 有谁能告诉我为何我们任由森林燃烧殆尽
Why, why do we say we care) ( 为何..为何还敢说我们在乎)

Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
Why.. why do we stand and stare) ( 为什麼..为什麼我们只是袖手旁观)
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
( Why, why do the dolphins cry) ( 为什麼..为什麼海豚们在哭泣)
Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die 有谁能告诉我为何我们任由海洋死去
(why, why if we're all the same) ( 为什麼..为何如果我们全都一样)
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
( why, why do we pass the blame ) ( 为什麼..为何我们不敢提出谴责)
Tell me why 告诉我为什麼
( why, why does it never end) ( 为何这一切永远不会结束)
Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends 有谁能告诉我为何我们彼此不能成为朋友

Why, why 为什麼....为什麼....