帮我准确的用英语翻译一下这些句子啊 谢谢大家了

请问您需要买什么呢? 我的英语不是很好你可以用单词来说明你需要的物品?这是我们的新款打8.5折的,原价是269打完折扣是229?欢迎光临耐克很高兴为您服务?男装在这边女装在那边请问您是需要买男装还是女装呢?好的请跟我来?真是非常抱歉我讲的英语不是很好让您听的不清楚,您可以用单词来说明那样也许我会听的懂

Do you need to buy it? My English is not good you can use words to describe the items you need? This is our new hit 8.5 fold, and original price is 269, so after discount is 229? Welcome to Nike are pleased to serve you? Men Women over here over there Do you need to buy a men's or women's it? Yes, please come with me? Really very sorry that I speak English is not good to hear you do not know, you can use words to explain so maybe I will listen to understand
第1个回答  2010-04-20
What can I do for you? My English is limited, so maybe you can use some simple words to describe what you want.
This new arrival is now 15% off(不是25% off). The original retail price is 269 (Chinese Yuan), and the price after discount is 229 (Chinese Yuan).

Welcome to NIKE, how are you?(个人感觉在一般的商店里面老外比较常说how are you而不是说很高兴为你服务, 你还可以在前面加上I'm XX来介绍自己的名字)
The men's section is over here and the ladies' section is over there. What can I do for you today?(为了避免啰嗦可以这么说)
Alright, follow me please. I apologize for my English, but if you use simple words I might understand you.
第2个回答  2010-04-19
what can I do for you?

My English is very poor,so you can tell me which item you wanna buy word by word.

These are the new style items.

They are 25% off,and the original price is 269,the discounted price is 229.

welcome to NIKE.I'm very glad to service for you.

The man style is right here,and women's is over there. Which one do you like?

ok,come with me.I'am really sorry for my poor English getting you in the trouble with listening.

You can explain your meanings word by word, and then I may catch you.
第3个回答  2010-04-19
I am too full to eat anything more

帮我准确的用英语翻译一下这些句子啊 谢谢大家了
Do you need to buy it? My English is not good you can use words to describe the items you need? This is our new hit 8.5 fold, and original price is 269, so after discount is 229? Welcome to Nike are pleased to serve you? Men Women over here over there Do you need...

“最近过的好吗?我知道你喜欢中国文化,所以我想邀请你参加我市举行的中文才艺比赛,你有时间吗?”先翻译这些,麻烦了,大哥大姐们,帮帮忙啦... “最近过的好吗?我知道你喜欢中国文化,所以我想邀请你参加我市举行的中文才艺比赛,你有时间吗?”先翻译这些,麻烦了,大哥大姐们,帮帮忙啦 展开  我来答 1个回答 ...

回答:Tom used to like reading. but he doesn't like reading now.

2.WHO将赢得最后,我们拭目以待。大家都知道我最近的人的EDC 。您是永远的失败者。3.TODAY我原来HONGKANG是的,我的上帝“一切照旧”4.mr或王小姐facking男孩 5.today ,我已经看到某人的博客。母亲他妈的。狗儿子母狗已经说了很多的屎这是他长期吃很久以前。是的,你总是一个愚蠢的人。如果你想...

1,My story is over ,thanks everyone!2,There are 60 students and 2 teachers in the class room 。说明:翻译1是口语化的翻译,翻译2明显是要用there be 句型!希望有所帮助!^_^

英语翻译 急用 准确的 考试用的 谢谢大家了
I could not persuade him to accept the plan, nor could I make him see the importance of.别人对他怎么看,他全不在意。What others think of him, he don't care.现如今,仅仅受过中等教育的人要想找份好工作越来越难了。Now, a man with only a secondary education to get a good ...

我已看过照片故不再过去进行核对。这周(本周)我会告知你方交货仓库地址。我会让客户将货款电汇给我,然后我再电汇至你方账户。希望本次交易可于下周末前完成。如果是你们公司名义的话就将我改成我方。另外到底是wearhouse还是warehouse。。。意思不一样 ...

空间很拥挤!All goods in a warehouse, a warehouse filled with goods, the space is packed!还有你应该知道货物很重,如果每一个人都这样要求,搬来搬去很容易损坏!And you should know that the goods are very heavy, if everybody make such a request, move around very easily damaged!

As for the moldy goods, we hope that you could accept those which are not too serious and see if there are any remedy action which could be taken, such as brushing them. As for those serious ones, we will compensate for them once we have a clear figure from you ...

I can't accept that one has the double emotion.Is it tiring?No matter whether you have the mind,I can be hard to understand you and not to communicate with you,for I find one-person enough.It is better to remember the promise....
