


This email should explain everything .. I want to put this on the webpage...until I come back from the depths of hell...

Losing this business has really devastated me, ,along with losing my
husband of 28 yrs , losing my home ,my daughter going to college 8
hours away and my son joining the Navy stationed on the west coast
(California) has put me in a really sad state of mind, I am thinking
of retiring out of this business since I can't give my whole self into it like I use too my heart is not in it... , I do not want to disappoint anyone so Its best for me to get out while I still have a good rep :),Ill keep you posted.. but I AM 99% sure of this. I have no more fight left in me...everything has come full circle for me. I thought just going through the motions would help me get over this devastion but I was wrong, the best thing for me is to step away from life for awhile and love me back to health.

第1个回答  2020-02-03