


The annual admissions upsurge again. Each school has its own corresponding line, it is different for the "height" of tailored to the students.
A small boy was so worried because he's "height" and his right of that school fractional line difference. The good school, "shape" must be long "higher", the children understand that, therefore, his face.
The child's father seemed to see a child's mind, he had arranged his comfort children, children don't worry, indeed, wily conciliator, he should know, in this city, he is a successful businessman.
Responsible for the recruitment of have no good lady glanced at children, then beckoned children to measure "height" next. Child anxiety and looked at the head of the fractional line, geez, that a few records
Take, for higher than he had a head.
At this time, my father again from the purse out of money, he folding money expertly mat in the child's feet. A head of the distance covered by large sums of money, the child's head
Finally a line.
Admissions lady suddenly smiling, and then to the father of satisfaction, said: "hey, good, qualified ~"
第1个回答  2010-04-16
The rush of annual enrolment strikes again. Every school has its correspondening adminstration standrad ,which is also designed to suit students in different family economics state.
A boy small in statu was so worried about his size which is really far away from the height request. "Better school, higher request,"he knew that,so, he became more and more miserable.
The father of the boy , a really sucessful business man, who seems to read his boy's mind very soon offered his comfort by telling his little man that he had had a ready long before.
The lady who is responsible for erollment just shoot a glances to the boy snappy ,then signaled to measure his height aside. "Wow, shorter by a head, that's an absolute disparity away from the line," the boy found the situation when he anxiously looked upon.
Just then, the father was taking out a pile of paper monney adroitly out of his bag to pad unerfoot for his boy.As a result ,the head reaches the standrad by a large amount of money.
"pass," The principal lady suddenly smiled,and claimed with satisfaction .
第2个回答  2010-04-16
第3个回答  2010-04-16