
Directions:Write a letter of Request according to the following information given in Chinese.
以 Mr. Baxter 的名义写一封请求信。内容如下:
1. 今年10月1日买的电子词典用了一个星期就坏了;

第1个回答  2010-04-18
Dear sirs:
I am writing to you to complpain about my newly-bought electronic dictionary on oct.1, which failed to work only after one week's use. Unfortunately, that dictionary is labelled with your logo. After a careful exam of the "The Product Quality Guarantee", I learned that there is the specific item dealing with my problem. The item enables any concerned customers of my kind to claim for a full refund. Therefore, I am claiming my rights ensured by this document and requesting for a full refund.
For your further examinations on the problem,attached to this letter is the dictionary I have mentioned above,.
I am looking forward to your prompt reply to my request.
Mr. Baxter.本回答被网友采纳