
摘 要

体育产业是当今全球经济中发展最快的产业之一,每年为世界带来4 000亿美元的收入,使其成为21世纪最有活力和前景最广阔的新兴产业之一。从体育产业的概念、国内外体育产业的发展状况等几个方面进行阐述,以期为我国体育产业的快速、全面、可持续发展提出相关的发展策略和建议。体育产业化的实质是体育发展要适应社会主义市场经济的基本要求,在符合体育运动基本规律的基础上,充分发挥体育的经济功能,建立体育市场运行机制,培育和开发体育市场,使体育在市场经济中不再是依赖国家,依附于其他事业的福利型公益事业,而是同其他产业一样必须遵循市场经济的普遍规律,按照市场经济机制运行,实现体育事业的良性循环发展。即按社会化大生产的规律对体育领域内的人力、物力、财力、技术等进行重新整合,以提高体育产业的整体素质

关键词: 体育产业;产业化;发展现状 ;市场经济

Sports industry in today's global economy, one of the fastest-growing industry, the world annual 4 000 million in revenue, making it the 21st century and prospects of the most dynamic emerging industries most extensive one. From the concept of the sports industry, sports industry at home and abroad, such as the development of several aspects of the situation described, with a view to China's sports industry for the rapid, comprehensive and sustainable development related to the development of strategies and recommendations. The substance of the sports industry is the sports development of the socialist market economy should be the basic requirements, in line with the basic rules of sports on the basis of the sport and give full play to the economic function,
Operating mechanism for the establishment of sports marketing, nurturing and development of sports market, so that sports in the market economy is no longer rely on national, dependent on the other the cause of public welfare-type benefits, but as with other industries must follow the universal law of market economy, according to market operation of economic mechanisms to achieve a virtuous circle of sports development. That is, large-scale socialized production in accordance with the laws of sports in the field of human, material and financial resources, technology and other re-integration, in order to enhance the overall quality of the sports industry
第1个回答  2009-06-09
体育产业是当今全球经济中发展最快的产业之一,每年为世界带来4 000亿美元的收入,使其成为21世纪最有活力和前景最广阔的新兴产业之一。从体育产业的概念、国内外体育产业的发展状况等几个方面进行阐述,以期为我国体育产业的快速、全面、可持续发展提出相关的发展策略和建议。体育产业化的实质是体育发展要适应社会主义市场经济的基本要求,在符合体育运动基本规律的基础上,充分发挥体育的经济功能,建立体育市场运行机制,培育和开发体育市场,使体育在市场经济中不再是依赖国家,依附于其他事业的福利型公益事业,而是同其他产业一样必须遵循市场经济的普遍规律,按照市场经济机制运行,实现体育事业的良性循环发展。即按社会化大生产的规律对体育领域内的人力、物力、财力、技术等进行重新整合,以提高体育产业的整体素质

Sports industry in today's global economy, one of the fastest-growing industry, the world annual 4 000 million in revenue, making it the 21st century and prospects of the most dynamic emerging industries most extensive one. From the concept of the sports industry, sports industry at home and abroad, such as the development of several aspects of the situation described, with a view to China's sports industry for the rapid, comprehensive and sustainable development related to the development of strategies and recommendations. The substance of the sports industry is the sports development of the socialist market economy should be the basic requirements, in line with the basic rules of sports on the basis of the sport and give full play to the economic functions, operating mechanism for the establishment of sports marketing, nurturing and development of sports market, so that sports in market economy is no longer rely on national, dependent on the other the cause of public welfare-type benefits, but as with other industries must follow the universal law of market economy, in accordance with the mechanism of market economy to achieve a virtuous circle of sports development. That is, large-scale socialized production in accordance with the laws of sports in the field of human, material and financial resources, technology and other re-integration, in order to enhance the overall quality of the sports industry
第2个回答  2009-06-04