写一篇英语演讲稿 题目 my dream

要关于梦想去哪儿旅游或者是保护环境之类的梦想··字数400字左右 谢谢了哦
帮我翻译 要准确 内容为 “我想要变成我的妈妈,我的妈妈变成我,因为我知道我妈妈对我的爱已经远远超出了我对我妈妈的爱,今生今世我也不可能把这份情谊还清,我妈妈她为了我和我妹妹努力的工作,天还没亮就要起来给我们做饭,现在我长大了 她却老了 我真的很希望自己就是她的妈妈 像她替我梳头那样替她梳头,帮她洗衣服,给她做饭,然后和她聊天,不过我知道我的梦想是不可能实现的,所以从现在开始我要更加加倍的努力学习,赚更多的钱,只是希望我妈妈的生活条件能够好些~就这样了,谢谢大家的聆听”
大概一样就行了,凑字数哦··也可以再帮我编一些,谢谢哦··字数还是400字 谢谢了

I'd love to swap places with my beloved mother, because I am aware that her love for me greatly exceeds mine for her. I cannot possibly repay this debt in this lifetime. My mother worked very hard for my sister and me. She often had to wake up before sunrise to cook the breakfast. Now that I have grown up while she has aged, I truly wish that I am her mother so I can comb her hair like she did for me, doing laundry and cooking for her, as well as chatting with her, but I know that this wish is impossible to achieve and hence I will study harder from now on in order to earn lots of money, only so that my mother's living standard can be improved. Thank you for your attention.
第1个回答  2009-11-25
Hello! everyone.Do you have dreams? I know your answers must be "yes".So do I. I have a dream of traveling around the world someday.I think one should not always stay in the same place,he should go out to other countries from time to time to see what is happening there and enjoy another kind of life.The outside world is so beautiful that I make up my mind to enjoy the amazing views of different places.First,I would like to go to Southeast Asia,such as Malaysia and Singapore.Second,I'll take my steps to Europe,including France and England.The Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Big Ban in London are my favorite places to visit.I can learn about the western culture and customs there. Then I'll travel to Australia to see animals,such as kangaroos.Australia is a developed country with beautiful scenery and fresh air. Africa is my next aim.The pyramids and wild animals are waiting for me to come.
Now I am studying hard and preparing for my travel,I believe my dream will come true!
Thank you.