高分求助 帮忙写一篇英语作文 大学生考证的利与弊

大学生可以考很多证书 比如教师资格证 英语等级证书 乱八七糟的
考这些证书的利与弊 120单词 在线等
不是利弊 是自己的看法..... 机器翻译就算了哈 速度快 写得好的加分 Certificate craze on campus

Certificates Craze on Campus
Recent years have witnessed a certificate craze spreading among the college students. They prioritize their need for certificates which will be useful in persuit of good jobs after their graduation.
So far as I am concerned, certificates are important to college students in that the certificates, to some extents, do motivate the college students to study hard because one could never get enough certificates and the attitude of "keeping up with the Jonese" certainly contributes to the fulfillment of their college study.
The tendency also reflects the fact that the college education as well as the college students are becoming more and more job-oriented. This is not a bad thing, it shows that students are beginning to realize their obligations to perfect themselves and in addition, they have become more and more practical---Thanks to the certificate craze, college students are less likely to waste their time on campuses.
However, certificates is not the only important thing in a student's college life-----there are something more than that. Affected by the certificate craze, some of the students, who spend most of their time preparing various examinations so as to get the certificates, have never tasted the sweetness of academic study. In other words, they study for examinations and certificates---this is, though we do not want to see, a sad story. Various certificates have deprived the students of all their spare time that they get no time to play. The result is, undoubtedly, the certificate craze will one day turn universities into a mass production machine producing dull Jacks out of smart students. What's more, the certificate craze has also led to more and more cases of cheatings in examinations and the practical values of these certificates have decreased greatly.
In a conlusion, we should view the certificate craze as well as certificates themselves from a rational perspective, so that we could arrange our time and study schedules better without time and money wasted on some meaningless certificates.