介绍一种物品作文 急急急急急急急急!!!!


My desk
My desk is filled with chaotic things: In the upper left corner of the desk, there is a quartet built gyro-shaped pile of books (first affirmed that it was "natural" is made without any processing). Top the bottom is a thick and narrow-English dictionary, turn seem particularly demanding, word era of small yellow paper a long time, are standard displayed in the museum complex. Gyroscope in the middle are some from the middle to high school textbooks, Xinjiuchengdu from their point of view, enough to witness the author of yesterday and the day before yesterday. Gyroscope top-level, is a Miscellanies copies and a CD, from the geographical point of view, this is in the near future the activities of the larger plates, sometimes overlapping, sometimes misplaced, and good plate with self-knowledge, knows not work with desk collision, therefore, even in the most critical moment, it does not always maintain a shake down, rather than risk falling gesture, rather the style of some politicians. Close to the top is two boxes do not know when to pop out of a "time bomb" - a box of the living brain with the prime compound Tai Hing, a box of adduct 100-ning, they are always warning me of the body, do not force them to premature blast . In the "bomb" on the right is a table lamp, yellow lamp shade, black lamp neck, yellow lamp holder, black knob, standard lead hearse colors, shining on me every night, so I always keep in mind that the Guixi a great man, and then on the right a little, there is a call I do not know what the furnishings. Above, there are crystal globe, clock, pen loops and business card holder; just get it back, the entire decoration a dazzling metallic luster, look magnificent, eye-catching is pressing, but after a long, in addition there is a trace of crystal globe gloss, the rest of the gold all dim down. When to see it, with a total reminds me of those corrupt elements from the light into the dark fate very Jie Qi. Setting the right is a pen and filled a number of teams could not write any color pen, pencil, ball pen, a time when nothing is used to cast the play, and fall when the pen has never worried about whether there will be an off-color Loumo etc. series of questions, let me played with confidence, with very comfortable. In the most far right upper desk (can coordinate axis), there is a pile with the top overlooking the Staring into the distance, looking books. Only into the shape of the "Hill" and is not a gyro. The top of the hill there are 3 CD, than the top of the obvious advantages have been much greater. Introduced the following major items the desk, and some minor, such as clear plastic, waste paper, watches, cups, refill, correction fluid, pictures, etc., etc., which will also play a role in filling the desk for its has achieved a lot of clutter. As everyone said good, disorder is a kind of beauty, like desks often beautiful, Sheng This is not bad

第1个回答  2009-10-24
My desk
My desk is filled with chaotic things: In the upper left corner of the desk, there is a quartet built gyro-shaped pile of books (first affirmed that it was "natural" is made without any processing). Top the bottom is a thick and narrow-English dictionary, turn seem particularly demanding, word era of small yellow paper a long time, are standard displayed in the museum complex. Gyroscope in the middle are some from the middle to high school textbooks, Xinjiuchengdu from their point of view, enough to witness the author of yesterday and the day before yesterday. Gyroscope top-level, is a Miscellanies copies and a CD, from the geographical point of view, this is in the near future the activities of the larger plates, sometimes overlapping, sometimes misplaced, and good plate with self-knowledge, knows not work with desk collision, therefore, even in the most critical moment, it does not always maintain a shake down, rather than risk falling gesture, rather the style of some politicians. Close to the top is two boxes do not know when to pop out of a "time bomb" - a box of the living brain with the prime compound Tai Hing, a box of adduct 100-ning, they are always warning me of the body, do not force them to premature blast . In the "bomb" on the right is a table lamp, yellow lamp shade, black lamp neck, yellow lamp holder, black knob, standard lead hearse colors, shining on me every night, so I always keep in mind that the Guixi a great man, and then on the right a little, there is a call I do not know what the furnishings. Above, there are crystal globe, clock, pen loops and business card holder; just get it back, the entire decoration a dazzling metallic luster, look magnificent, eye-catching is pressing, but after a long, in addition there is a trace of crystal globe gloss, the rest of the gold all dim down. When to see it, with a total reminds me of those corrupt elements from the light into the dark fate very Jie Qi. Setting the right is a pen and filled a number of teams could not write any color pen, pencil, ball pen, a time when nothing is used to cast the play, and fall when the pen has never worried about whether there will be an off-color Loumo etc. series of questions, let me played with confidence, with very comfortable. In the most far right upper desk (can coordinate axis), there is a pile with the top overlooking the Staring into the distance, looking books. Only into the shape of the "Hill" and is not a gyro. The top of the hill there are 3 CD, than the top of the obvious advantages have been much greater. Introduced the following major items the desk, and some minor, such as clear plastic, waste paper, watches, cups, refill, correction fluid, pictures, etc., etc., which will also play a role in filling the desk for its has achieved a lot of clutter. As everyone said good, disorder is a kind of beauty, like desks often beautiful, Sheng This is not bad

第2个回答  2009-10-24
My desk
My desk is filled with chaotic things: In the upper left corner of the desk, there is a quartet built gyro-shaped pile of books (first affirmed that it was "natural" is made without any processing). Top the bottom is a thick and narrow-English dictionary, turn seem particularly demanding, word era of small yellow paper a long time, are standard displayed in the museum complex. Gyroscope in the middle are some from the middle to high school textbooks, Xinjiuchengdu from their point of view, enough to witness the author of yesterday and the day before yesterday. Gyroscope top-level, is a Miscellanies copies and a CD, from the geographical point of view, this is in the near future the activities of the larger plates, sometimes overlapping, sometimes misplaced, and good plate with self-knowledge, knows not work with desk collision, therefore, even in the most critical moment, it does not always maintain a shake down, rather than risk falling gesture, rather the style of some politicians. Close to the top is two boxes do not know when to pop out of a "time bomb" - a box of the living brain with the prime compound Tai Hing, a box of adduct 100-ning, they are always warning me of the body, do not force them to premature blast . In the "bomb" on the right is a table lamp, yellow lamp shade, black lamp neck, yellow lamp holder, black knob, standard lead hearse colors, shining on me every night, so I always keep in mind that the Guixi a great man, and then on the right a little, there is a call I do not know what the furnishings. Above, there are crystal globe, clock, pen loops and business card holder; just get it back, the entire decoration a dazzling metallic luster, look magnificent, eye-catching is pressing, but after a long, in addition there is a trace of crystal globe gloss, the rest of the gold all dim down. When to see it, with a total reminds me of those corrupt elements from the light into the dark fate very Jie Qi. Setting the right is a pen and filled a number of teams could not write any color pen, pencil, ball pen, a time when nothing is used to cast the play, and fall when the pen has never worried about whether there will be an off-color Loumo etc. series of questions, let me played with confidence, with very comfortable. In the most far right upper desk (can coordinate axis), there is a pile with the top overlooking the Staring into the distance, looking books. Only into the shape of the "Hill" and is not a gyro. The top of the hill there are 3 CD, than the top of the obvious advantages have been much greater. Introduced the following major items the desk, and some minor, such as clear plastic, waste paper, watches, cups, refill, correction fluid, pictures, etc., etc., which will also play a role in filling the desk for its has achieved a lot of clutter. As everyone said good, disorder is a kind of beauty, like desks often beautiful, Sheng This is not bad

第3个回答  2009-10-24



第4个回答  2009-10-25


介绍物品的说明文作文篇1 有人喜欢晶莹剔透的钻石,有人喜欢那纯洁无瑕的水晶。更有甚者青睐与价值不菲的翡翠。而我独爱那普普通通的玻璃装饰成的“观赏镜”。 镜面的直径约17厘米,高约20厘米。镜的底座是一个弧形的板面,仿佛一座桥,桥上那低着头,驮着镜框的宛若“海狮戏球”图。镜面刻有“红楼梦”三个醒目...

介绍一种事物作文1 我家院里有一群小白鸽。它头上的羽毛又密又短,摸一摸,滑溜溜的。它背上的羽毛厚厚实实,层层叠叠,排列得像鱼鳞一样整齐。它的肚子上的羽毛蓬松柔软,像刚弹过的棉絮,摸起来热乎乎的。它的翅膀和尾巴上长着又长又硬的翎毛,能像折扇一样张开。 小白鸽整理羽毛的时候,先把脖子歪过去,用尖...

我的铅笔盒 我有一个漂亮的文具盒,它叫笨笨。这个文具盒是爸爸妈妈送给我的,我非常喜欢它。它是长方体,颜色是淡蓝色,上面点缀一些白色的花儿。花儿旁边是几只小熊,小熊可爱极了。它穿着一身蓝色的衣服,衣服上有两个小小的钮扣。圆溜溜的眼睛,长长的鼻子,小小得嘴巴。它好奇地望着你,好像在...

急急急!要求一篇写实物的作文,我的……(实物是指文具袋啊、书包啊等一 ...
我的文具盒 我的文具盒是一年前妈妈给我买的,虽然它已经“老”了,但我还是十分珍惜它。我的文具盒是用铁皮做成的。拿在手里,首先映入眼帘的是上面的画。左边有一个趴在地上的大脸花猫,它脸上呈现出一种痛苦的表情,好像是因为刚刚重重地跌倒过的缘故吧。右边有好几排英文字母, 上面写的...

1. 介绍一种商品的作文怎么写 我的小房间里有许多别具一格的东西,有活泼的洋娃娃,有漂亮的玩具,有美丽的小花,有经典的童话书,有一个大大的书柜,书柜的上面有一个微波炉……可是这些东西我并不是很在乎,我只喜欢床头摆的一个小闹钟。 这个小闹钟十分的可爱。它的外形是一个机器猫,天蓝色的身子,显得机器猫十...

小闹钟 我很早就盼望有只小闹钟。前不久,妈妈从杭州学习回来,给我带回了一个立体风景的日历小闹钟。这只钟是长方形的,正面是西湖“柳浪闻鸯”全景图,画面绝大部分是美丽的西湖,湖水平静得像一面镜子;画面的一侧是一座南宋时期建造的花园,园里有座柳浪桥,湖边种着许多柳树。看着画面,我忽然...

...的风景、某个物品、等等、 不要单纯的介绍、 急急急~~~

介绍一种事物作文1 金毛是一种可爱的动物,很讨人喜欢。 小金毛的身长为五十~六十厘米左右,比拉布拉多矮多了;有着敏锐的嗅觉,腿长通常在四十~五十厘米左右,比柯基的腿长多了,而且小金毛的四只腿,就像小香肠一样,金毛还有着灵敏的耳朵。 金毛吃什么呢?它主要吃狗粮,通常也会吃些罐头,如果遇到它喜欢的食物,就会...

介绍一种物品作文1 我有一个漂亮的文具盒,它是开学的时候妈妈买给我的。 我的文具盒是双层的,像一辆双层大巴车。它是由红、蓝、白、黄四种颜色组成的,是一个大车子,外面还有一个超人,打开里面还有一个小文具盒,第一层是放小文具盒的,上面还有乘法口决呢!第二层是放笔和“清洁工”橡皮、黑黑的自动笔芯、...

