绿色校园的 英语作文!急求!!!!!!!!!

作文 creating a green campus
要求1 建设绿色校园十分重要
2 绿色校园不只仅是指绿色环境
本人 十分着急!会在线等 大家帮帮忙!!!!!!!
最好在俩小时之内!!!!!!!谢谢了 !!!


I corrected you bid to host the national-level Green Campus schools how to make an order for schools to contribute? I think we should start from the little things around me, helping to build a green campus. For example: take the initiative to pick up the paper on the ground, not spitting, to assist schools to plant some trees, plants and flowers. Can also be reported to do some publicity so that students understand the importance of the environment so that students are actively involved in the afforestation of these activities. The campus environment will help us not only the physical and mental health, but also help us to better learning, so the building of a green campus is very important, protecting the environment is also very important, let us take action for building a green campus and make their own efforts ! Come on 祝四级顺利哈!
第1个回答  2009-12-19
Creating A Green Campus
As is known to us all,a campus is a place where teachers teach,students learn ,and even live together.To some degree,a campus determines the teaching results of a school.So a good and green campus is of great importance to a school.A green campus can provide good conditions for teachers and students,which can make them both do their work well.On the other hand,a green campus does not only mean a green environment but also a good atmosphere and culture.Hower,how to create a green campus?Here are my ideas about it.
First of all,we can make our campus green by growing more plants,such as trees and flowers,which can also make the air fresh and shadow us in hot summers.Second,we should develop good awareness of health and get into the habit of not spitting and not littering everywhere.Third,all teachers and students should be united,students should respect their teachers and teachers love their students so as to creat a good teaching and learing atmosphere.Meanwhile,we can also try creating campus culture of our own features. For instance,we can publish our school newspaper or magazines.
All in all,we should build our campus into a green,environmentally friendly,civilized and harmonous one.
第2个回答  2013-01-28
第3个回答  2009-12-19
第4个回答  2009-12-19
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