
4.3. Greenways and greenspaces for the United
The impetus for this plan for the United States
has three sources. First, the New England Greenway
Vision Plan of 1999 paved the road for a national
plan. The team expressed an interest for a national
greenway system to Bill Welsh, the editor of LAND
in 1999 (see Welsh, 1999, p. 4). Second, the visionary
National Plan of landscape architect Warren Manning
from the 1920s was recently reprinted and described
by Lynn E. Miller (November 1999, p. 58). Third,
as part of a greenway seminar during the spring of
2000, the author’s interest was to review the remarkable
efforts of the US Federal government, whose
agencies have planned and managed one third of the
nation’s landscapes during the last century. Their
federal efforts provide the framework for a more
comprehensive national plan for greenspaces and

The challenge was to undertake this effort without
any dedicated funding. The Department of Landscape
Architecture and Regional Planning, however,

provided the team of graduate students with computer
facilities, space and office supplies.1

4.3.1. An overview of the United States
The continental United States is the focus of
this study. The states of Alaska and Hawaii are
not included. The area size of the lower 48 states
is 7,825,155 km2. The Federal Land area is around
2,600,000 km2 in the lower 48 states (National
Geographic, 1992, p. 20). The majority of the public
land, however, is located in the west in the mountainous
regions of Rocky and Cascade Ranges. These
mountain ranges are among the most spectacular
mountains of the world. The United States is also
blessed with thousands of miles of shoreline along
the East and West coasts as well as the Gulf of Mexico
and Great Lakes. The river system, the backbone
of greenways are also very large and extensive in the
United States with over a hundred major rivers, that
are nationally significant, and constitute that “giant
circulation system” flagged by the President’s Commission
Reports for a greenway network (1987). Finally,
the United States has over 256,000 km of abandoned
railroads. To date over 19,000 km have been
converted to trails. The remaining abandoned railroad
tracks have the potential for trail conversion which
would create a huge network of rail trails across the
United States. All these resources provide the United
States with great opportunity to create an extensive
and high quality national network of greenways and
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4.3. Greenways and greenspaces for the United
4.3 美国的绿色道路和绿色空间
The impetus for this plan for the United States
has three sources. First, the New England Greenway
Vision Plan of 1999 paved the road for a national
plan. 就美国来说,这一计划的推动力有三个来源。第一个是1999年的,为国家计划铺设道路的新英格兰绿道计划。The team expressed an interest for a national
greenway system to Bill Welsh, the editor of LAND
in 1999 (see Welsh, 1999, p. 4). 研究小组在1999年向Bill Welsh(LAND的编辑)表达了对国家绿道体系的兴趣(参见Welsh,1999,第4页)。Second, the visionary
National Plan of landscape architect Warren Manning from the 1920s was recently reprinted and described by Lynn E. Miller (November 1999, p. 58). 其次是1920年景观设计师Warren Manning写的想象的全国计划最近被Lynn E. Miller ( 1999, 11,p. 58)重新印刷和描述了。Third, as part of a greenway seminar during the spring of
2000, the author’s interest was to review the remarkable
efforts of the US Federal government, whose
agencies have planned and managed one third of the
nation’s landscapes during the last century. Their
federal efforts provide the framework for a more
comprehensive national plan for greenspaces and
The challenge was to undertake this effort without
any dedicated funding. The Department of Landscape
Architecture and Regional Planning, however, provided the team of graduate students with computer facilities, space and office supplies.1
4.3.1. An overview of the United States
The continental United States is the focus of
this study. The states of Alaska and Hawaii are
not included. The area size of the lower 48 states
is 7,825,155 km2.
4.3.1 美国的综述
大陆美国是这项研究的焦点。阿拉斯加和夏威夷州不包括在内。下面48个州的面积大小为7,825,155 km2.
The Federal Land area is around 2,600,000 km2 in the lower 48 states (National
Geographic, 1992, p. 20). The majority of the public
land, however, is located in the west in the mountainous
regions of Rocky and Cascade Ranges. 联邦的土地面积在下面48个州大约为2,600,000 km2 (国家地理,1992,p.20).可是,大多数公共土地都位于落基山和喀斯喀特山脉多山地区的西部。These mountain ranges are among the most spectacular
mountains of the world. 这些山脉属于世界上最壮观的山脉。The United States is also
blessed with thousands of miles of shoreline along
the East and West coasts as well as the Gulf of Mexico
and Great Lakes. 美国也因沿东西海岸以及墨西哥湾和北美五大湖绵延数千英里的岸线而神圣化。The river system, the backbone
of greenways are also very large and extensive in the
United States with over a hundred major rivers, that
are nationally significant, and constitute that “giant
circulation system” flagged by the President’s Commission
Reports for a greenway network (1987).河流系统作为绿色道路的骨架在美国也是非常大量和广泛的,有100多条大河,它们从国家来说意义重大,而且构成了“巨大的流通体系”,这由总统委员会关于绿道网络的报告作为标志。 Finally,
the United States has over 256,000 km of abandoned
railroads. To date over 19,000 km have been
converted to trails. 最后,美国有超过256000km被遗弃的铁路。迄今,超过19000km已经转换成步道。The remaining abandoned railroad
tracks have the potential for trail conversion which
would create a huge network of rail trails across the
United States. 其余遗弃的铁路轨道有可能进行步道转换,而这会在美国产生一个巨大的铁路步道网络。All these resources provide the United
States with great opportunity to create an extensive
and high quality national network of greenways and
greenspaces. 所有这些资源都为美国提供了巨大的机会来创造广泛而优质的全国性绿色道路和绿色空间网络。
第1个回答  2009-11-14
4.3. 团结的林荫道路和greenspaces
States 这个计划的The推动的美国
has三来源。 首先,新英格兰林荫道路
plan. 队表达了国民的兴趣 对比尔・威尔士,土地编辑的greenway系统
in 1999年(参见威尔士1999年, p. 4)。 其次,有远见者
from 20世纪20年代最近被重印了并且被描述了
by林恩E.米勒(p. 11月1999年, 58)。 第三, 作为一次林荫道路研讨会一部分的在春天期间
2000, author’s兴趣是回顾卓越的美国联邦政府的efforts,
agencies计划了和被处理的三分之一 在上一个世纪期间的nation’s风景。 他们
federal努力为更提供框架 greenspaces的comprehensive全国计划和

any热忱的资助。 风景的部门 然而, Architecture和区域计划


4.3.1. 美国概要
this研究。 阿拉斯加州和夏威夷是 包括的not。 更低的48个状态的区域大小
is 7,825,155 km2。 联邦陆地面积 在更低的48个状态(国民的2,600,000 km2
Geographic 1992年, p. 20)。 公众的多数
land,然而,位于在多山的西部 岩石和小瀑布范围regions。 这些
mountain范围是在最壮观之中 世界的mountains。 美国也是 与数以万计的blessed英里海岸线 并且墨西哥湾的the东部和西海岸
and大湖。 河系,中坚
of林荫道路也是非常大和广泛的在 与在一百条主要河的美国,那 全国性重大的are,和构成那“giant President’s委员会 system”下垂的circulation林荫道路网络的Reports (1987)。 终于,
the美国有256,000 km放弃
railroads. 迄今19,000 km 对足迹的converted。 保持的被放弃的铁路
美国。 所有这些资源提供团结的
States以重要机遇创造广泛 林荫道路and高质量全国网络和
第2个回答  2009-11-15
4.3. 团结的林荫道路和greenspaces
States 这个计划的The推动的美国
has三来源。 首先,新英格兰林荫道路
plan. 队表达了国民的兴趣 对比尔・威尔士,土地编辑的greenway系统
in 1999年(参见威尔士1999年, p. 4)。 其次,有远见者
from 20世纪20年代最近被重印了并且被描述了
by林恩E.米勒(p. 11月1999年, 58)。 第三, 作为一次林荫道路研讨会一部分的在春天期间
2000, author’s兴趣是回顾卓越的美国联邦政府的efforts,
agencies计划了和被处理的三分之一 在上一个世纪期间的nation’s风景。 他们
federal努力为更提供框架 greenspaces的comprehensive全国计划和
第3个回答  2009-11-15
4.3. Greenways and greenspaces for the United States.

The impetus for this plan for the United States has three sources.

First, the New England Greenway Vision Plan of 1999 paved the road for a national plan.

The team expressed an interest for a national greenway system to Bill Welsh, the editor of LAND in 1999 (see Welsh, 1999, p. 4).

Second, the visionary National Plan of landscape architect Warren Manning from the 1920s was recently reprinted and described by Lynn E.

Miller (November 1999, p. 58).

Third, as part of a greenway seminar during the spring of 2000, the author’s interest was to review the remarkable efforts of the US Federal government, whose agencies have planned and managed one third of the
nation’s landscapes during the last century.

Their federal efforts provide the framework for a more comprehensive national plan for greenspaces and greenways.

The challenge was to undertake this effort without any dedicated funding.

The Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, however,provided the team of graduate students with computer
facilities, space and office supplies.1

4.3.1. An overview of the United States

The continental United States is the focus of this study.

The states of Alaska and Hawaii are not included.

The area size of the lower 48 states is 7,825,155 km2.

The Federal Land area is around 2,600,000 km2 in the lower 48 states (National Geographic, 1992, p. 20).

The majority of the public land, however, is located in the west in the mountainous regions of Rocky and Cascade Ranges.

These mountain ranges are among the most spectacular
mountains of the world.

The United States is also blessed with thousands of miles of shoreline along the East and West coasts as well as the Gulf of Mexico and Great Lakes.

The river system, the backbone of greenways are also very large and extensive in the United States with over a hundred major rivers,
that are nationally significant, and constitute that “giant circulation system” flagged by the President’s Commission Reports for a greenway network (1987).

Finally, the United States has over 256,000 km of abandoned railroads.

To date over 19,000 km have been converted to trails.

The remaining abandoned railroad tracks have the potential for trail conversion which would create a huge network of rail trails across the United States.

All these resources provide the United States with great opportunity to create an extensive and high quality national network of greenways and greenspaces.























