小学生六年级上册英语演讲稿,急!!!要求要有中文翻译!!请大家帮忙! 急!急!最好1小时内给!谢谢帮助


Save our nature!
I can still remember when I was a little boy, there were not many tall buildings. (我仍然记得我还是个小男孩时,没有这么多的高楼大厦)We can see the tall and lush trees everywhere,(到处可以看到高大茂密的树木。and in the countryside, we can play with the lovely animals , 在乡下我们可以跟可爱的动物们玩耍)and feel the fresh air all the time,what a wonderful memory!(随时可以呼吸新鲜的空气,这些是多么美好的记忆
But now, the beautiful scene disappeared, our sight was blocked out by the skyscraper everywhere. (但是现在,这些美丽的风景不复存在了,我们的视野被到处都是的摩天大楼阻挡了)The air is polluted and the water is dirty too,空气被污染了,水也变得肮脏, so I have no idea about what has happened to our nature?对于发生在自然的悲剧,我却无能为力
let's work together to protect our nature. 让我们一起来保护我们的大自然
第1个回答  2010-11-11