
各位神仙帮忙想一个5人的关于老师的英语对话 包括给你映象最深的以及你喜欢的老师类型 感激不尽啊····

A: Giid morning everyone! BCDE: good morning! B: How are you? A: Fine, thank you. I am just looking at my old teacher's picture. She is my favorite teacher. C: Oh! What kind of teachers do you like? D D: I like the kind of teacher that is very nice to everyone. E: I like the teachers that gives us less homework. A: But I like the teachers that's strict. B: Me too! Especially the strong ones. A: Oh no, I like the slender ones. C: agree! DE: Same here! E: I like the one's that have long hair. D: With glasses! E: Yes! A: Got to go! By! BCDE: Bye! 够不够?不够我可以加。