
1.I thought you had planned to practice the piano today.
I did nothing but____lettersall day.
A.write B.to write C.wrote D.writing
2.I hear that you and Francis will spend your vacation in Nepal next spring.
Yes,we are planning____.
A.to B.to be C.it D.to do it
3.Most of the people ____to the party were famous scientists.
A.invited B.to invited C.being invited D.be invited
4._____more attention,the trees could have grown better.
A.given B.to give C.giving D.having give
5.Snow was falling when they went along the mountain path________ to the front.

A. to lead B. led C. leading D. being led

AAAA1.之所以选A是因为did的缘故,不管do的形式怎么变,后面都只用动词原形就可以了 2.plan是不及物动词,后面得跟一个宾语才行,因为这边是跟上面的spend your vacation in Nepal next spring一致,为了避免重复,可以省略到不定式为止。 3.这边是 people 的后置定语,完整的应该是Most of the people( who were )invited to the party were famous scientists,为了避免头重脚轻就省略掉了。 4.这边考的是独立主格结构,树应该是被照顾的,就可以排除其他的答案了。
第1个回答  2010-10-11
2。A这句的完整句是we are planning to spend our vacation in Nepal next spring.(spend our vacation in Nepal next spring.)这个前面的句子中已经提过了,为了避免重复,所以省略了。
3。A 这里表示被邀请的人,完整的应该是Most of the people( who were )invited to the party were famous scientists.括号内省略了,就变成A了。
4。A.这句要看主语,这题的主语是the trees,树应该是被人照料的,所以要用被动语态。如果给予更多的关注与照料,树木会长得更好。你可以反过来看, the trees could have grown better if they were given more attention.把后半部提前后,同一个主语可以省略,谓语也可以去掉。就变成题目中那样了。
第2个回答  2010-10-11
2.A 不定式的省略。省略了 spend your vacation in Nepal next spring.
3.A .Most of the people who invited ......
4.A 主语是the trees,所以是被动语态。。。、if they were given...
第3个回答  2010-10-12
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C