
1 社会上对献血的错误认识
2 指出献血的意义
3 开展相关活动

Proposal to Donate Blood

We are all well aware of the importance of donating blood. Yet many people in the society still have wrong ideas about donating blood, such as donating blood will hurt one's health, and 3 drips of blood is equivalent to one drip of sperm, and so forth. We must point out that they are totally wrong. Donating blood is helpful for one's health, not the versa. Without enough blood our hospitals could not do operations to patients. Therefore, we should stick to donating blood without payment.

We have organized to hold an activity to donate blood tomorrow afternoon beginning at 2 o'clock in the campus. Hope all students make preparation and take part in the activity.

Thank you.

The Student Union,
Yucai Middle School
第1个回答  2010-11-19
Non-remunerated Blood Donation
Attention please.I am Li Hua,chairman of the student union of Yu Cai middle school.I have an important thing to declare here.
Recently,the blood bank is running