

黑曜石Obsidiano,烟晶topaz ahumado,茶晶citrine,粉晶cristal del polvo,红金沙Jinsha rojo,石榴石granate,孔雀石mineral de cobre verde
雕漆:Mercancías talladas de la laca
第1个回答  2007-02-09
黑曜石,烟晶,茶晶,粉晶,红金沙,石榴石,孔雀石:Piedra negra de la luz del sol, cristal del humo, citrine, cristal delpolvo, Jinsha rojo, granate, mineral de cobre verde

雕漆:Talla la pintura
第2个回答  2007-02-11
Ask who knows the obsidian, the smoky topaz, the citrine, the powder crystal, red Jinsha, the garnet, how the green copper ore did say with Spanish? Also, who knew one kind is called the carved lacquer ware the handicrafts? Should explain how with Spanish?