常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?
问题一:得到・・・・・的帮助用英语怎么说 receive\/get help from\/of 望采纳,谢谢 问题二:(请给我点帮助)用英语怎么说 Give me some help please.问题三:请问有什么需要帮忙的吗 英语怎么说 1. 请问有什么需要帮忙的吗?Is there anything I can do...
【说明】地道的口语说法。You asked for it.你自找的。\/活该。You make me sick!真让我恶心!You stupid jerk!你个傻蛋!You have a lot of nerve.你真敢做。\/你真放肆(贬义)。You're impossible.你不可救药。What were you thinking?你脑子怎么想的,真是!What a stupid idiot!真是傻蛋...
在当今全球化的世界中,儿童英汉互译器成为了帮助孩子们跨越语言障碍、提升英语学习效率的重要工具。以下是几款推荐的儿童英汉互译器:百度翻译app 功能特点:百度翻译是一款功能强大的翻译软件,支持文本、语音和拍照等多种翻译方式。其特别之处在于针对日本、韩国和美国的旅游方向进行了深度优化,提供贴身翻译...
I bought this magazine two and a half months ago.我的学校离这儿不远,只有15分钟的步行路程 My school is near here, just 15 minutes' walk here.顺便说一下,我的钱用完了,你可以借点给我吗?By the way, I'm running out of money. Could you lend me some?
However, which one is better to live in city or countryside, which is a question being discussed by people all the time. living in city has many advantages, but countryside is also a very good choice.这么多答案,楼主随便选一个都行的。只要没有语法和单词错误就好的啊 ...
中午有2个小时休息时间,每周六下午放一个晚上,一个月放一次月假。There are 2 hours for us to have a rest and we have a night off on Sunday evening. We have a short vacation once a month.今天下午吃饭和同桌跑到学校外面买饭弄的上课还迟到了…This afternoon I went out of the ...
给你翻译一下:All in all, I am a person who is fond of quietness. I hold a belief that quietness can lead to stability, and stability to wisdom. But, I also often communicate with different people in order to widen my horizon.I hope to make invaluable friends with you all...
1.Aging electrical system, the failure rate 2.Many electronic components are not spare parts, seriously affected the normal production.3.Therefore, the transformation of its electrical system. This machine is PLC control, PLC using Omron CPM2A, contactor relay of Siemens products, the ...