
The Engine’s System
The engine is an important part of the automobile ,it acts as the heart of a person ,which provides the power that the cars need to run on the road. All the automotive engines today are the Internal Combustion Engines(ICEs) because the fuel is burnt inside their cylinders and the energy is provided.
ICEs are those heat engines that burn their fuel inside the engine cylinder .ICEs the chemical energy stored in their fuel is converted into heat energy during the burning part of their operation .the heat energy is converted into mechanical energy by the expansion of gases against the piston attached to crankshaft that can rotate .the engines that burn petrol are known as petrol engine .other types of ICEs burn heavier oils ,of these types the diesel engine has come into the widest use.

第1个回答  2010-11-17
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第2个回答  2010-11-17