In contemporary society, women's abilities are no less than men's. It is high time we completely abandoned the notion of gender inequality and provided women with more opportunities. By doing so, our society will become more harmonious and equitable.
1、需要从性别歧视这一点入手,可以在网上查阅关于性别歧视的资料,自己总结然后可以开始写作了。2、写作时,需要对照英语作文题目的要求,完成相应的回答。英语作文如下:Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates Though people's concept of gender has changed a lot, gender inequality in s...
have been excluded from hiring or promotion not because they were unqualified, but simply based on their gender.Although there are more reported gender discrimination statistics related to female employees, men and women can both be victims of gender discrimination.The World Economic Forum...
社会歧视的原因 英语作文200
现在,全世界都在倡导男女平等,事实上这种状况也有很大的改观,但许多人潜意识里仍然存在着性别歧视观念。 今天,我们正遭受着全球金融危机的冲击,这使得高校毕业生的就业前景雪上加霜。 在这种情况下,女生要找到一份工作似乎更加困难,因为许多企事业用各种各样的理由拒绝女生。 在我看来这种观念是错误的,男女平等已经...
Gender Inequality in Employment: A Perspective from College Students The issue of gender inequality in employment is a deeply rooted problem that has spans throughout history and across different cultures. In ancient times, many societies held the belief that men were superior to women, ...