中西方服饰文化差异 英语作文 急!!在线等.!!!!


People in different parts of the world dress differently,such as the dressing between the east and west in the past. But such differences are no longer significant between china and the west. Nowadays on the street of Chinese cities you can see people wearing suits or shirts or T-shirts just as people do in the west. However, some difference remains. For example, in China people tend to be more "conservative", that is, they don't want certain parts of their body exposed when dressed, unlike some in the west. So world is just one family for all of us,we can know it just from clothes.Do you think so?
第1个回答  2009-08-31
China and the West have totally different dressing traditions and customs, although in recent years the they have been converging as a result of globalization and other factors. Some differences, especially cultural ones, have nontheless remained. For example, Chinese people like to wear red or other clothings that are bright and colourful, while in the west dark colors are considered more formal, serious and sometimes even "cooler".
