
((你好Response (Ethan),我并没有在现实世界里进行交易,我的帐户2009年2月18日是我最后一次登陆,一直到9月份我才登陆,并且显示密码错误,怀疑在这段时间有人把我的帐户偷盗了,我尝试进行密码更改获得了新的密码,在次登陆结果帐户被缩定,你可以根据您的资料进行查询,我在2009年2月18日之前有没有触犯过游戏规则,如果没有请尽快将我的帐户解除锁定,我感觉很无辜,我不可能去通知偷盗我帐户的人要按照游戏规则进行游戏,我并不是在责怪你们,因为这是你们的职责,这件事情对我来说实在无法接受,因为我也是受害者,请尽快的回复我邮件,谢谢)



第1个回答  2009-10-08
hello,response(Ethan),I didn't trade in the real world,it was 18th of February,2009,i visit my account for the last time,until September,2009,and it sayw that's a wrong password,and i suspect that somebody had stolen my password and changed it,i tried to get my account back and i did,and i log in my account,it says,it is locked,you can check according to the information,before the last time 18th,february, i logged in my account,i didn't violate any game rules,so please check with it,and if nothing wrong with it,please unlock it,i am innocent,you know i cann't tell the one who stole my password to stick to your game rules,i am not blaming you,i know that is your duty to maintain the game rules,but this is unacceptable to me,because i am a victim,please E-mail me back as soon as possible,thanks!
第2个回答  2009-09-30
((Your good Response (Ethan) , I do not carry out business within the real world , my account is that my at last once lands on February 18 , 2009, one until 9 months my only the password landing, and showing has been wrong , has doubted that somebody pilfers my account in this paragraph of time, I attempt the new password having carried out a password changing acquisition, before time of landing result account be shrunk stablely, you can carry out inquiry according to your data , I if am had before February 18 , 2009 have violated game regulation, Lock-in , my feeling are very innocent if not asking remove my account as soon as possible , I go to inform the people who pilfers my account's wants to carry out game according to game regulation impossibly , I am really not in blaming you, because of this is your duty , this piece of thing has no way to accept, because of I am also a sufferer to me in fact, please as soon as possible return to my mail , thank you)
这是我翻译的 有什么不好之处 请多谅解
第3个回答  2009-09-30
((Hello Response (Ethan), I was not in the real world trading, my account February 18, 2009 was the last time I landed until September before I landed, and displays your password the error was suspected in this period of time someone stole my account, I will try to change the password to obtain a new password, log the results at the sub-account has been shrinking set, you can query your data, in my February 18, 2009 before there had violated rules of the game, if not as soon as possible to unlock my account, I feel very innocent, I can not go and tell people who want to steal my account in accordance with rules of the game for the game, I am not blaming you, because it is your duties, this matter is not acceptable for me, because I am also a victim, please reply as soon as possible my e-mail, thank you)

Questions added: I play an international game is called Guild Wars, I have not violated any rules of the game, but from 2009 until after February 18 are not landing in September, and now discovered that an account had been stolen, suspect that it was stolen off my account were in breach of rules of the game, this game is very depressed, and breach of the rules will be titles, who can help me be grateful,

Note: Do not translation software and website translation in English, those who are not very accurate and can not clearly express what I mean, look English master lot of help, little brother is willing to distribute on the 50 bit and are willing to pay this friend. Thank you,

A brother, thank you for the first floor, can find in English is to help the friends to help look? The only way I can appeal successfully, thank you for the answer
第4个回答  2009-09-30
((your good Response (Ethan), I have in the world a line of transaction, my February 18, 2009 is my last time ascends, yizhi dao in September I only then ascend, and shows densely, suspected that has stolen in Duan Youren me, my line changed new dense densely, in time ascended the peel to decide, you might act according to your material line to look up, I before February 18, 2009 had offends tours, if had me to relieve quickly decides, I felt very Gu, I impossible to inform to steal me the person to tour according to the parade, I was notIs blaming you, because is you, a matter I accept in the law, because I also am the victim, quick replies my,)
What I play is an international game, the named guild war, I have not offended any game rule, is only 18 yizhi dao in September has landed after February, 2009, now only then discovered that the account household once was embezzled by the human, suspected possibly is the human who steals my account household has offended the game rule, this game is very melancholy, will offend the rule to confer a title upon, who can help me to feel grateful extremely,
第5个回答  2009-09-30
I do not carry out business within the real world , my account is that my at last once lands on February 18 , 2009, one until 9 months my only the password landing, and showing has been wrong , has doubted that somebody pilfers my account in this paragraph of time, I attempt the new password having carried out a password changing acquisition, before time of landing result account be shrunk stablely, you can carry out inquiry according to your data , I if am had before February 18 , 2009 have violated game regulation , am locked if not asking remove my account as soon as possible, I feel that innocent person , I go to inform the people who pilfers my account's wants to carry out game according to game regulation very much impossibly , I am really not in blaming you, because of this is your duty , this piece of thing has no way to accept, because of I am also a sufferer to me in fact, please as soon as possible return to my mail , thank you)
