
1. It's interesting, but______ dificult for me.A.ittle B. a litle C. a fewD. few2. Everyone___ here last Monday.AwereB.isC. are D was

3. Did Julie study___ exams?A.toB. forC. haveD. at

4. ltwas a___ day yesterday.A.rain B. raining C rainy D. to rain

5. There are also many fast fond restaurants in. . parts of our city.A.other B. cthers C. another D. the others

6. You needn't__ your English. I will help you.A.worry B.worried Cworry about D.worried about

7._ does you mother go to the supermarket?-By bus.

A.Where B. When C How D.What8. It's time_ _class.

A.for have B. have C to have D. to having

9. He helped his mother dean the rooms and then. his homcwork yesterday afternoon.

A. do B.doingC. does D did

10.s that, . interesting book?Yes, butitis_ . diffiult.

A.an,a litltee B.a, a bit C.a, a lite D. an, litle

1, B 。 a little 有点儿。根据句意用but转折,有趣但有点难。
2, D 。 Everyone 作主语,单数,last Monday 上个星期一,过去时。追答

3, B。for exams表示目的。为考试而学习。
4, C。 rainy 形容词,修饰名词 day。
5, A。修饰复数名词parts of our city, 不可用another (修饰单数)。others 和 the others 不可作定语,修饰名词。
6, C 。needn’t 情态动词,后接原形,排除B和D。worry 不及物动词要加介词才能接宾语。
7, C 。根据答语by bus (乘公交车)可知是问:如何(怎么)去超市。
8, C 。It’s time to do sth 或者It’s time for sth.
9, D。根据helped 过去式,and then并列,所以也要用过去式did。
10, A。 interesting 是元音开头冠词要用an, 排除B和C。有点儿应该是a little, 排除D. little


第1个回答  2019-08-02