
The burning sun was beating down fiercely on Dakota Jim. He shaded his eyes with his hand and looked out across the desert. The friendly guide he had met the day before had told Jim to meet him here at 7:00. He was going to lead Jim across the desert. But it was now 8:00, and there was no sign of him. Jim had waited for over an hour and was feeling thirsty.He turned and walked back into the small town. He was nearing his hotel when a voice called out from across the street. “Hey, mister, do you want to get across the desert?”“Yes,”said Jim, turning to see a young boy in scruffy clothes. “Kamaz can take you.”“Who”s Kamaz?”inquired Dakota Jim. “He”s my uncle. If you want, I”ll take you to him.”“Yes, thank you,”replied Dakota Jim.

He followed the young boy down some winding streets until they came to a large brick building on the edge of the town. Inside a bearded man of medium height sat at a table. It was Kamaz. Dakota Jim had a feeling he had seen the man before, but he couldn”t remember when and where. He was in a hurry to get across the desert, so he came to an agreement with Kamaz to be his guide.

They set out early the next day, before the sun was up. It was a four-day journey by camel, and only those who knew the route could hope to come out of the desert alive . On the second day in the evening as they were preparing to sleep, Jim suddenly remembered where he had seen Kamaz before. A few days after he had left the Hibbutis in search of the stolen sacred stone, he had rented a car to make the journey to Arupi. Kamaz had been at the rental agency.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp blow to his head. The next thing he knew was that he was lying on the hot ground and the sun was shinning fiercely high up in the sky. He tried to sit up, but his head hurt terribly. Slowly , he realized that Kamaz and the camels had disappeared.




第1个回答  2009-08-20
第2个回答  2009-08-20
The burning sun was beating down fiercely on Dakota Jim. He shaded his eyes with his hand and looked out across the desert. The friendly guide he had met the day before had told Jim to meet him here at 7:00. He was going to lead Jim across the desert. But it was now 8:00, and there was no sign of him. Jim had waited for over an hour and was feeling thirsty.He turned and walked back into the small town. He was nearing his hotel when a voice called out from across the street. “Hey, mister, do you want to get across the desert?”“Yes,”said Jim, turning to see a young boy in scruffy clothes. “Kamaz can take you.”“Who”s Kamaz?”inquired Dakota Jim. “He”s my uncle. If you want, I”ll take you to him.”“Yes, thank you,”replied Dakota Jim.

He followed the young boy down some winding streets until they came to a large brick building on the edge of the town. Inside a bearded man of medium height sat at a table. It was Kamaz. Dakota Jim had a feeling he had seen the man before, but he couldn”t remember when and where. He was in a hurry to get across the desert, so he came to an agreement with Kamaz to be his guide.

They set out early the next day, before the sun was up. It was a four-day journey by camel, and only those who knew the route could hope to come out of the desert alive . On the second day in the evening as they were preparing to sleep, Jim suddenly remembered where he had seen Kamaz before. A few days after he had left the Hibbutis in search of the stolen sacred stone, he had rented a car to make the journey to Arupi. Kamaz had been at the rental agency.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp blow to his head. The next thing he knew was that he was lying on the hot ground and the sun was shinning fiercely high up in the sky. He tried to sit up, but his head hurt terribly. Slowly , he realized that Kamaz and the camels had disappeared.
第3个回答  2009-08-20
燃烧的太阳击败了激烈的南达科他州吉姆。他灰色的眼睛与他的手,并期待在整个沙漠。友好指导他会见了前一天曾告诉吉姆,以满足他在这里7:00 。他要带领全国沙漠吉姆。但现在8:00 ,而且没有迹象显示他。吉姆等待了一个多小时,并感觉thirsty.He转身走回进入小城镇。他已经接近他的酒店时,一个声音呼吁从街对面。 “嗨,先生,你想跨越沙漠? ” “是的, ”吉姆说,将看到一个小男孩在破旧的衣服。 “卡马兹可以带着你。 ” “谁”县卡马兹? “询问达科塔吉姆。 “他”我的叔叔。如果你想,我“所有带你到他。 ” “是啊,谢谢你了, ”达科他州吉姆。


他们规定了早期的第二天,前太阳升。这是为期4天的旅程的骆驼,而只有那些谁知道路线可能希望走出沙漠活着。第二天晚上,他们正准备睡觉,突然想起吉姆在那里他看到卡马兹面前。几天后,他离开了Hibbutis寻找失窃的神圣的石头,他租了一个车,使旅程Arupi 。卡马兹已经在租金机构。

第4个回答  2020-05-19