关于过去进行时的英语作文(含有when,while,as soon as)


Yesterday was a wonderful day.I was in deep sleeping when my clock woke me up.My parents were on a trip so I had to cook for myself. I was washing vegetables while steaming rice.Such a busy day!But I think it's interesting.My parents told me to give them a call as soon as I had the dinner cooked.With great pride I told them how I spent this meaningful day.
第1个回答  2014-05-01
Tommy's breakfast
When my husband was going into the dining room this morning,he dropped some coins on the floor.There were coins everywhere.We looked for them,but we could not find them all.While we were having breakfast,our little boy,Tommy,found two small coins on the floor.He put them both into his mouth.We both tried to get the coins,but it was too late.Tommy had already swallowed them!Later that morning,when I was doing the housework,my husband phoned me from the office."How'sTommy?"he asked."I don't know,"I answerd,"Tommy's been to the toilet three times this morning,but I haven't had any change yet!"